Wednesday 2 January 2008

An Interview With Kurt Westergaard (PBUH)

Part 1 (of 3). An interview with the talented cartoonist who accurately portrayed me in the Mo-turban-bomb cartoon. (Parts 2 & 3 can be seen at the youtube site)

Don't worry, 'Achmed the dead terrorist' can still be seen on my Video and Song page...just click the link on the right.

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Come and Say 'Hi' to Allah's Favourite Prophet

Pat Condell (Peace Be Upon Him) commenting on Sudan.

One of Allah's favourite sections of my 'Official Website' has always been my comments page. He's forever telling me how much he enjoys reading all the lovely thing
that Infidels have to say about his favourite prophet (that's me!)...although he is a little surprised at some of the more hostile remarks from followers of the 'tolerant and peaceful religion of peace'!

As you all know, I welcome suggestions about my website - although not all are anatomically possible. Many of you have asked me to stop being so lazy and update the comments page more often. So I thought I'd change things round a bit and decided to set this page up...clever, eh?!!! And, if you're ever feeling a bit nostalgic you can still read the old comments.

Be good ;o)
Love and Kisses, Mo (PBUM)