Wednesday 2 January 2008

An Interview With Kurt Westergaard (PBUH)

Part 1 (of 3). An interview with the talented cartoonist who accurately portrayed me in the Mo-turban-bomb cartoon. (Parts 2 & 3 can be seen at the youtube site)

Don't worry, 'Achmed the dead terrorist' can still be seen on my Video and Song page...just click the link on the right.


Unknown said...

Achmed the dead terrorist.
Let's hope there are plenty like Achmed in 2008.

Anonymous said...

Happy new year Mo (PBUY),

and to misquote General Sheridan...

"The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist".

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't exactly call 9/11 beautiful. Only a sadist with a heavy dose of psychosis would describe mass murder of innocent civilians by a bunch of hate-filled maniacs following the teachings of the most pernicious ideology ever dreamed up by a nasty scumbag beautiful.
It wasn't all bad though, because for most people it let us know exactly what Islam was all about.
Anyway, here's another funny video:
Desert-dwelling 7th century barbarians 0 - Most advanced military in the history of humanity - 1.
I especially like the way one of the Americans says 'He's got a gun!' after the Apache has already put a load of holes in the truck and torn apart most of the jihadis. Priceless.
What happened to the angry guy who was threatening 'something big' in january? Is that that you anonymous? Hurry it up will you please? I'm eager to see how your little jihad buddies will fuck it up this time. You've only got 28 days until you're proved even more of a fool.
In reference to the sluts thing: you don't like sluts? What are you, gay?
Silence...I kill you!' Hilarious.

hellosnackbar said...

Just had the pleasure of watching two videos(Wafa Sultan memritv no.s
1050 and 783)in which DrSultan, an angry and articulate Syrian psychiatrist wipes the floor in debate with two Islamic scholars.
A Saudi blogger(the religious policeman)says that watching the feisty Wafa is like irresistable porn to moderate muslims(he can't get enough).
I think that the turban of honour for this "in your face" critic of Islam is well overdue(Mo please take note).
One of debate victims is so angry that his hands reach out as though to strangle the image on his screen;due to the metaphorical verbal "kicking"that she's subjecting him to.
Infidelsalwayswin you'll love it.

Anonymous said...

Great site. About time somebody stood up to these Nazis

hellosnackbar said...

It appears that a blogger who goes under the name of lionheart has been threatented with prosecution under the new laws.
I've read his stuff, nothing remarkable really(muslims threaten our civilisation etc.)
However a supporter had a very good idea for an alternative Koran:
Substitute the word infidel for muslim and muslim for infidel throughout the whole degenerate text.
That would truly be a hoot and have the faithful howling.

Anonymous said...

Never thought I'd tip my hat to a Tory but this guy deserves it. Go see before he's beheaded sacked or brought in by Cameron for re-programming

Anonymous said...

All i can say is be aware of ur stupid u will stand infront of allah in the day of judgement day..doing this wont make u any will just make u miserable in your entire life if u dont repent and seek forgiveness from Allah..prophet Moahmmed ScW..died more than 1400 years ago..and creating this stupid site wont hurt him..and for u it's matter of time when u gonna die..u might go out and try to cross the road and all the sudden a vehicle hit..u dead man..., as every living thing dies sometime. when u are a dead man no one cares about u, not ur mum, not ur dad, not ur brother or sister, or any other relative, u will be dont try to seek attention for doing this will put ur life in danger...have it good man...hope u believe in ALLAH someday..PS

Anonymous said...

Thanks hellosnackbar. In my opinion the most interesting thing on are the videos of Philistine children being indoctrinated in hate. And it's always nice to see a so-called Islamic 'scholar' made to look like the small-minded simpleton he is. But, call me shallow, my favourites are war porn, lots of which can be found on Afterall, these people rarely respond to rationality, so far gone in the head are they, that the only way of dealing with them is with military might. Fighting fire with fire.
To the Religion of Peacers: don't worry about us. We don't believe in your invisible monster that was dreamed up by the sick mind of that illiterate, desert-dwelling, child-fucking, mass-murdering barbarian, Muhammed (t.u.r.d.). But, assuming any of that nutty bollocks, i.e. your beliefs, was actually true, then there's really no point in taking this site down, now is there?
Now why don't you go and cry somewhere else and let us, the adults, discuss and ridicule the most immoral, hateful and downright evil ideology in the history of humanity - Islam.

hellosnackbar said...

Just paid a visit to red squirrel's
site, where I read an article entitled"the terrifying brilliance of the islamic memeplex"
It's very, very good so good that I thought for a moment that it might have been written by Richard Dawkins.
Anyway read it.It's worth it

Anonymous said...

Hi Mo, I found your site yesterday and wanted to congratulate you.

I love the hate messages you get, what a bunch of loonies!!! Keep it up old boy!!!

Mo said...

@ Red Squirrel
thanks for the link. i added a link to your blog from my links page...
happy hunting.

hellosnackbar said...

Just heard on newsnight that "Al Qaeda.has called for muslim nutters to step up atrocities in the UK(to include the Queen,Brown and peaceful muslims).
The information came from extremist sites that require a password(I wonder if it is Allah hu ackbar).
There was a little snippet about some teenage muslim turd in west London had been arrested after using his bedroom as a terrorist web coordination centre.
Southall is in west London and we haven't heard from our pal anonymous in quite a while.
If his terrorist talent matches his writing abilities then I think we can all wish him a poor future at HMP.(and there will be nothing big in january)

Anonymous said...

what a load of bulshit this site is!

Anonymous said...

hueva u r hu made this site is a low life dumass hu has nuthin bettr 2 du than to sit on his fukin computer all day typin a alod of bulshit. wtch how u get dun over hard 1 time. then we'l c hu's laffin, u sad git.. u shud get ou more u racist nob :D

Red Squirrel said...

Hi MO (pbuy)
It's such a pity that people like
TheBitch.X have not woken up to the truth yet, as the rest of the Civillised world are doing now?
She sounds like an illiterate Mudslime chav, LOL

Anonymous said...

There's nothing in the Qur'an/Islamic Terrorist Manual about textspeak dangleberry, so Mo (s.h.i.t.h.e.a.d.) won't even be allowed to read your stupid comment - let alone reply to it - without committing a great act of unmitigated sacrilege and having to admonish himself in the Islamic style, i.e. medievally, barbarically, immorally.
Come to think of it, there's nothing about the internet or digital computers - both of which were invented, along with everything esle that doesn't suck, by Kufirs - in the Qur'an either. Huh, what a paradox.
Anyway, another Muslim/Muslim apologist, another veiled (pun most definitely intended) threat of violence. What happened to 'Religion of Peace'?
Islam is not a race, you semi-literate miscreant.

Anonymous said...

"I hope that one day you'll believe in Allah" parrots some brain dead halfwit.
Fat chance;you see that some of us do not need the psychological crutch of exotic monsters(chimera)
dreamed up by an opportunist murdering desert gangster.
Our maturation was not arrested by
puerile tosh from bearded loonatics
(literally moon god worshippers).
We have grown up,and accept that the only truth available is that which can be verified by logic, or experiment.
What I can't understand is people who believe because they believe.
One might as well say that Mohammed
was a suckling pig in a previous life and that Allah created him because he could eat him(with all that tasty crackling)after he'd roasted in hell.
Fairystory?well! it's just as plausible as anything that mad muslims believe in.
Now;let's hear some more hate!

hellosnackbar said...

Just heard the news; reporting that
four islamonazis have admitted to a plot to behead a british muslim soldier and make a video of it to post on the internet.
Sadly for these soldiers of Islam their plot was rumbled and word has it that m'lud is not at all impressed by their reprehensible behaviour.
May I take this opportunity,to wish these vermin the worst possible holiday at HMP.
It should be 30yrs plus.
How about that anonymous?
Still up for it?

Anonymous said...

That's pretty old news hellosnackbar, but the truly disgusting thing is how the BBC and Reuters - both of whom are based in London - reported on it. The BBC's website has 'A man described as a "fanatic" has pleaded guilty to plotting to kidnap and kill a British Muslim soldier' as the subheader (which still, in BBC-style hasn't been quietly edited yet), and Reuters has 'Briton admits plot to behead Muslim soldier.' Both of which focus on the would-be victim, who they fall overthemselves with glee to tell us is a Muslim, whilst simultaneously, in the very same sentence, failing to mention that the guy who wanted to do the murder (he plead guilty) is a Muslim.

Oh, and that angry anon. fellow. where are you shithead? You've got two days to do your little 'something big'. Could it be that you're just full of shit? Say it ain't so...

Anonymous said...

...not sure why I said it's really old news. It's current news. Think I just meant that he was arrested lasy year...or something. Kindly disregard that part...

kevin said...

Please update the link to amboytimes to,

I am no longer at blogspot. I've linked your site at my new blog as well.

hellosnackbar said...

There was recently a suicide bombing in Iraq in which two women apparently self detonated in a crowded area killing afew innocents.
What's new you might think except this was a human bomb plot with a difference:the two women were "down's syndrome"women and the explosion was initiated by remote control radio signal.
This nauseating, egregious piece of ultimate exploitation was carried out by our brave jihadi chumsAnd for me plumbs new depths of depravity.
I had expected even the MCB,CAIR and other faux islamic organisations to at least distance themselves from this;but sofar nothing!
Islam must be eradicated; and its believers marginalised, by whatever means.
There seems no other solution.

Anonymous said...

I was given the opportunity to read the koran in English by a local Pakistani shopkeeper and I was dismayed by Mohammed's violence and perversity.
Basically, he was a sick bastard and his Satanic crap is doomed to failure.Perhaps we in the Civilised West can provide you with an area of desert where you can blow yourselves up without inconveniencing us, the less retarded. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Judgement day is just for Muslims.

If they have been 'good' Muslims then they get to live in sand for eternity. If they have not been 'good' then they also get to live in sand for eternity.

The rest of us just get to carry on having fun for eternity.

Allah can be so cruel :o)

hellosnackbar said...

I'm proud to be a muslim says our pal from aserbaijan.
Its like saying I'm proud to be syphitic or to have aids.
Do tell us why Rauf and if you can't give a cogent reason then free yourself from the necklace of skulls(Kemal Attaturk 1922);he got it right and so should you.

Anonymous said...

Now that's not a nice thing to say!

As Allah, I think you should take that ugly statement back. Jesus says he's really offended.

If you won't issue an official appology I'll give you instaed of 70 virgins, one virgin, 70 yr old.

Kiss and love
Your completely ungay God,

Red Squirrel said...

You are a silly person. First thing I notice about you Islamists is that you become angry very quickly and soon start slagging people off in a sexual manner, usually with references to sibling parentage(transference?)
You are all cowards and hang around in gangs because you wouldn't win in a one to one fight.
Anyone who blows themselves up in the name of God is a lunatic, and the more crap you post the more we laugh at you!

hellosnackbar said...

Just popped over to"little green footballs".
There's a video of an islamic scientist claiming that the earth is flat(as per Koran)and not spherical(not in the koran)despite the fact that there are motor cars passing in the distance(there are no cars mentioned in the koran, therefore cars do not exist).
How much more of this idiocy can muslims tolerate,it would seem that to declare ones self muslim
is tantamount to saying I'm a buffon and proud.
On another tack; Perverse Khan(aka
Parvais Khan)wassentenced to a minimun of 14yrs for plotting the beheading of a muslim british ,soldier.He was overheard(due to an MI5 bug)coaching his 5yr old son on how to cut the throats of infidels; thus showing the true compassion of Islam.
A model muslim father, an example for all to follow.

Anonymous said...

@ Zami.

Hey mate .. let me give you a few comparisions between jesus and mohamad..

Jesus:A peace symbol

Mohammad:A piss symbol

Jesus:Dying for people's sins

Mohamad:Massacred entire populations.

Jesus:Used to forgive his enemies

Mohamed:Used to torture enemies and rape little girls.

Jesus:Used to speak words of wisdom

Mohammed:Used to teach his companions a new way of wiping their arses.

Jesus:Even if he had a wife,had only one and treated her with respect.

Mohammed: Had multiple wives, behaved like a pimp,raped those who didnt comply and even had sex with a 9 year old.

Bottom Line:

Civilized world:Borrows examples from Jesus.

Islamic world:Takes in a camel's penis "doggy-style" just as Mohammed did.

Anonymous said...

You've done the World a great service with your website!

hellosnackbar said...

There's an amusing report on the national secularist site about a postman called Donald Holden who was sacked after using a multicultural prayer room to worship the god Odin.
Apparently donald(a post employee for 33years)left "odinist literature in this room to convert non-Odinists to the true(it is after all much older thanIslam)religion.
Our muslim chums naturally thought this room was for their exclusive use and complained vehemently about Donald leaving a dirty footprint in this supposed"Dar Al Islam."
Donald was sacked; but on appeal has been granted substantial compensation .
CCTV surveillance revealed that muslim post office emplotees spent
a significant portion of the working day in this room(skiving?surely not).
Odinism is now an official religion; and no doubt many post office workers will be embracing it with gusto.
Another own goal for Islam.
More mockery of the death cult is needed!
Let's hear it for Odin.
Our muslim chums

hellosnackbar said...

@Mazen Zaveri
At last an epistle of text speak tosh from the above.(I was beginning to think that there were no more contibutions to Mo's comments.
If you haven't read the rest of the material on this holy site then do so.
And then it might enter your lone functioning neurone that(apart from your good self and a variety of barely literate morons who shoose the epithet annonymous)think Islam is the biggest pile of shit that was ever conceived by that murdering desert itinerant you have the cheek to call a
Come to your senses and dump your
pathetic death cult.
Try logic ,rather than cognitive dissonance.

hellosnackbar said...

Just caught the last few minutes of "Mastermind" and it occurred to me that I can't remember one muslim candidate to that cerebral quiz show ever,
Surely there's some learned muslim with the courage to make a fool of himself?(I would be even more delighted if it was a herself(fat chance!)
Come-on I dare you.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely brilliant!!

Most fun had in ages,keep the faith!

hellosnackbar said...

Having just viewed Pat Condell's latest offering he makes the point that our "freedom"is not something that we can take away from ourselves; that it was won by our illustrious forbears.
With the recent proposition that young people should swear allegiance to the crown then perhaps, a rider, to all muslims, to reject Islam ,insofar as its tenets are in reality seditious.
That would be really useful, in that it might persuade traitorous muslims to emigrate to crapistan or whatever islamic shithole that they or their forbears originally emerged from.

Anonymous said...

PBUH means Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) and this PBUH Muslims says not only to Mohammed they call all prophets that after mention prophet name this for respecting , i heard Muslims says always good about Christ prophet and Jewish prophet while you guys not! , who is the extreme now? i don't think Muslims , please for more info please see this otherwise if u doesn't want then you either extreme or you got a lot of recourses from anti Muslim extreme organization, I hope GOD guide you and forget you. Regards

Anonymous said...

شبكة NBC الأمريكية: عشرون الف شخص يعتنقون الإسلام سنويا في امريكا:
NBC NEWS:20000 americans Convert To ISLAM Each Year! :
قسيس أمريكي سابق يكشف اعتناق قساوسة كثيرين للإسلام :
Yusuf Estes - Priests and Preachers accepting Islam :
الفنزويليون يدخلون في دين الله أفواجا :
Many Latinos Convert Daily To ISLAM .. Live From Venezuela! :
الكثير من الألمان يعتنقون الإسلام يوميا :
Every day many Germans convert to ISLAM :
التلفزيون الهولندي : الإسلام اسرع الديانات انتشارا بين الشباب الألماني :
Holland TV:ISLAM fastest spreading Faith among Youth Germans :
الاف الدنماركيين يدخلون الإسلام :
Thousands of Danish convert to Islam :
تقرير تلفزيوني : الاف اللاتينيين يعتنقون الإسلام :
TV Report Thousands Hispanics Converting To ISLAM :
عالم ألماني وزوجته يعتنقون الإسلام :
German Scientist & his wife,clinic assistant convert 2 islam :
عالم أوربي يعتنق الإسلام :
European Scientist converts to Islam :
الدكتور البريطاني ويبر يعتنق الإسلام :
Dr. Ian ******************er from England converts to Islam :
طالب علوم يعتنق الإسلام في أمريكا :
science students turn to islam :
تقرير تلفزيوني : النصارى في فرنسا يعتنقون الإسلام:
TV_Report: Christians Convert To ISLAM in France :
المسلمون في تكساس : قصص للمسلمين الجدد في تكساس :
Turning Muslim in Texas - People reverting to Islam in Texas :
امريكية تحولت للإسلام بعد أسابيع من 11 سبتمبر :
Angela Collins - Muslim Convert weeks after 9/11 Incident :
أسترالية تعتنق الإسلام :
NEW MUSLIM Woman from austrailia CONVERT :
مسلمة جديدة من بريطانيا :
Amina: A Muslim Woman Convert in UK :
قصة مسلم امريكي جديد :
The Choice - A Story of New American Muslim Convert :
ايرلندي يعتنق الإسلام :
Irish and "loving Islam" Convert to Islam :
يهودي يعتنق الإسلام :
Jewish To Islam convert :
مسلم يروي التغيرات التي حصلت له بعد شهرين من إسلامه :
لماذا اعتنقوا الإسلام :
Why do they accept the Islam :
135 امريكي يعتنقون الإسلام في وقت واحد :
135 Convert to Islam :
مسلمة جديدة تعتنق الإسلام في كندا :
Convert to Islam from Canada :
براين يروي قصته من المسيحية الى الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Brian From Christianity (Convert to Islam) ... :
العديد من العوائل النصرانية واليهودية يعتنقون الإسلام :
Many Jew and Christian Families Convert To ISLAM :
قسيس كاثوليكي بريطاني يعتنق الإسلام :
British Catholic Priest Converted To ISLAM :
يوناني يعتنق الإسلام :
Greece Men Convert to Islam :
هندوسي يعتنق الإسلام :
Convert to Islam from Hinduism :
نصرانية تعتنق الإسلام :
Christian Convert to Islam :
22 استرالي واسترالية يعتنقون الإسلام بعد محاضرة :
Twenty two/22 Brothers and sisters convert to (Islam) .... :
امرأتين من بريطانيا يعتنقون الإسلام :
Two british Women of different colours convert to Islam :
الماني يعتنق الإسلام :
German convert to Islam :
ثلاثة فرنسيات يعتنقون الإسلام :
Three French Sisters Convert To ISLAM :
الصحفية ريدلي تعتنق الإسلام :
Sister Yvonne Ridley Becomes Muslim Islam Video :
لماذا اعتنقت هذه الألمانية الإسلام :
WHY Christians German Lady convert to ISLAM, SEE VIDEO :
المانيا تعتنق الإسلام
Germany Convert To ISLAM :
لماذا اعتنق جيرومي الإسلام ؟
Jerome - How I wrestled my way to Islam :
قصة الماني اعتنق الإسلام :
The story of a German convert to Islam :
عبدالسلام يعتنق الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Abdus Salam (Convert to Islam) ... :
الأمريكية مريم تعتنق الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Maryam Noor (Convert From Christianity) .... :
المان يعتنقون الإسلام في التلفزيون الألماني :
Germans convert to Islam on german TV :
تقرير تلفزيوني عن مسلمين جدد :
TV Report Rechtsanwalt konvertiert zum ISLAM :
قسيس يعتنق الإسلام :
Jolene: A Southern Baptist Converts to Islam :
محمد مصعب يروي قصته في اعتناق الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Muahmmad Musab (Convert From Christianity) .... :
يوسف علي يروي قصة اعتناقه الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Yusuf Ali (Convert to Islam) ... :
كيف اعتنقت ميلينا الأسلام :
How Melina came to Islam :
عبدالله لبان يروي قصة اعتناقه للإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Abdullah Laban (Convert to Islam) ... :
اللاتينيين يتركون الكنيسة ويعتنقون الإسلام :
TV Report Latinos Leaving The Church And Turning To ISLAM :
وليام شبيل و25 من عائلته يعتنقون الإسلام :
William Chappelle and 25 members of his family embrace Islam :
الإسلام في هولندا :
Islam In Netherlands :
6 ألمان يعتنقون الإسلام :
6 German convert to Islam - 2007 - LIVE :
كارولين تتحول الى الإسلام :
Caroline convert from christianity to islam :
أمرأة يابانية تتحول الى الإسلام :
Japanese Women Turning To ISLAM. :
مسلمة امريكية جديدة تتكلم عن الحجاب :
American converted Muslim Woman speaking about the Veil :
الدكتورة ريتشاردسون يتحول الى الإسلام في أمريكا :
Dia Richardson converted to Islam in USA :
ألمانية نصرانية تتحول الى الإسلام :
German christ convert to ISLAM :
مسلمة جديدة تتكلم عن الإسلام من لندن :
New Muslim Lady .. Live from London :
أمرأة هولندية تتحول الى الإسلام :
Dutch Women Turning To ISLAM in Holland :
أمرأة من جنوب ألمانيا تتحول الى الإسلام :
New Sister From South Germany :
كيف تتحول الى الإسلام :
How to Convert to Islam :
اربع مسلمون جدد من اربع مناطق مختلفة من العالم :
4 New Muslims from 4 Corners of the World :
جيني : كيف تحولت الى الإسلام ؟
Jenny - How I came to Islam :
كات ستيفينس يتحول الى يوسف إسلام :
Cat Stevens becomes Yusuf Islam :
اصغر مسلم جديد في بريطانيا :
Islam Youngest Muslim Reverts in The World- in England :
عبد الرحيم غرين يتحول الى الإسلام :
Why Abdul Raheem Green Came to Islam :
روبرت يتحول الى الإسلام :
Robert converts to Islam :
قصة تحول مؤثرة الى الإسلام :
Islam : Best and inspirational Revert Story :
قصة تحول كريستال الى الإسلام :
Revert to Islam - Sister Crystal (Convert From Christianity) ... :
مسلمة جديدة أسبانية تتكلم عن حقوق المرأة في الإسلام
Spanish Woman talks about Woman rights in Islam :

Red Squirrel said...

Yeah ok, Mr anonymous Arabic proselytiser,
There are loads of 'neurologically challenged' individuals around who are willing subjects for conversion to Islam, but they are usually oddballs who have problems socialising. Or complete nutters!
If Islam was a 'religion of peace'(rather than Piss) it would know about the Golden Rule, which all other
(decent) faiths attempt to abide by!

Hi snackbar!
Greetings to you and to Mo of course (pbuh)
I was interested to hear about the Odinist, I am one of those. I think he was just issuing a protest against the rag-heads. LOL

The wise Words Of Odin:-
Havamal 64.
Moderate at council should a man be,
Not brutal and over bearing:
Among the bold
the bully will find
Others as bold as he.

Havamal 76.
"Cattle die, kindred die,
Every man is mortal:
But the good name
never dies
Of one who has done well."

Just felt like Quoting that, mudslimes would'nt ever understand

hellosnackbar said...

Ben Elton has posed the question as to why we never hear any "Imam" jokes?
The bbc has affirmed that nothing is off-limits.
I speculate that Mr Elton has already written a script that lampoons islam and is in the process of testing the waters.
Anybody out there have Ben Eltons e-mail addresss?

Anonymous said...

Ben Elton's email address? Fuck no. (I'm glad he's talking about the Islam thing, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't find him funny in the slightest.)
And what the BBC said about 'nothing being off-limits' is what's commonly referred to in my house as a lie.

Anonymous said...

Islam's not for me starring CAIR bears

Anonymous said...

Guys, you need to learn how to respect people. Calling the Prophet and Muslims all names, what do you expect them to do. Sit back and take it. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

sky said...

What a great site it is. Hello mo (pee be upon ur head)

Anonymous said...

All i can say is be aware of ur stupid u will stand infront of allah in the day of judgement day..doing this wont make u any will just make u miserable in your entire life if u dont repent and seek forgiveness from Allah..prophet Moahmmed ScW..died more than 1400 years ago..and creating this stupid site wont hurt him..and for u it's matter of time when u gonna die..u might go out and try to cross the road and all the sudden a vehicle hit..u dead man..., as every living thing dies sometime. when u are a dead man no one cares about u, not ur mum, not ur dad, not ur brother or sister, or any other relative, u will be dont try to seek attention for doing this will put ur life in danger...have it good man...hope u believe in ALLAH someday..PS


Anthor Word Got to flaming Hellllll

Anonymous said...

Start updating for fuck's sake!

Why do you think I cast you down, err sorry, dropped you off, OOPS! err, sent youn to hell, pardon me, earth, again?!


What d'ya say about my new outfit?

I'm just a sweet transgodess... From traaaaansexual Arabia.... hahah!

Anonymous said...

The Best mohammed T-shirt art is from Sweden. Watch and read the info at,
Fuck islam

Anonymous said...

The one who made it will be cursed till the death by Allah.... and dear muslim brothers they know what they are doing, and what will happen to them at the day of judgment.

Anonymous said...

hi im jesus, im typin wid my feet as my arms are stuck to the fukn cross :) :)

Anonymous said...

U no wt m8 ur a fukn prik, u ave no idea wah ur doin nd wah da consequences will be. U will die one day as every1 else will no matta wt and den you will seek for forgiveness from Allah buh m8 u aint gonna geh it coz ur a muva fukn waste dikhed. I hope u burn in hellll coz u r gonna burn in hell. Nd yh Ur mum givs hedz to a JEW.. Das y u came out rong!!!

Anonymous said...

hey there
just wondering if your so anti-muslim
what are you for then?
as in what religion, if any, do you believe in?
if you took a real close look at the religions you'd realise how inter-linked they really are
and if your a christian, a jew or muslim then you'd know that theres only one god
think it over
peace out

Anonymous said...

its really a shame that you are insulting the only man that can save you on the day of judgement. when the sun willing be a mere bows length away from you and you will be sweating like a pig it will be the intercession of the prophet muhammed (peace be upon him) that will start the judging of the people. there will be a day inshallah when this website will close down and you will not be able to do anything. then that day will be most significant, till then you can have your laughs in this world it's in the hereafter that you should be worried about. n salaams to the muslims who are trying to get this website shut down, inshallah you will suceed.

Anonymous said...

ur a looser whoever made this site! get a life!

Anonymous said...


Red Squirrel said...

I see that there are many uncouth 'estuary 'English' text- speaking encroacher's posting comments on here. Funny how all their 'insults' refer to disgusting sexual practices. Well they should know, they have grown up with incest and paedophilia as being 'normal', but just cannot help transferring their filth onto their detractors.

Anonymous said...

Im am shocked how ignorant people are. Is this how much islam irritates and annoys you that you went out of your way to develop this website encouraging freedom of speech. There is freedom of speech, but how about doing it in an intellectual sensible manner. In the the name of freedom of speech you have developed this website, but it shows to me that you must be really miserable in your life with no bright future prospects, otherwise you would have spent you valuable life doing something sensible. Sad trick for gathering attention, however sadly ul just ruin your life ad your hereafter, its pointless arguing with such ignorant people, you will seee for youreself what a bad idea thiswas. Good luck mate

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised of your pathetic website, its just showing that we are another step closer to the Day of Judgement. i dont want to give u abuse, all im going to say is you still have time to correct your mistake....plz plz take sum tym out to read the transalation to the Holy Quraan, and u will know that Islam is the true religion. If not m8 i pity u, becoz ul find out in your grave. May Allah SWT guide you, ameen

Anonymous said...


S said...

I'm not sure how to contact the maker of this site, but I will try by using this comment page. I hope you read this. Firstly, this site has been created specifically to mock Islam and Muslims. Can I just say your cruel attempt to shame and ridicule Islam has no effect on people like me who have coem across your site. So much time and effort you put into doing such nasty things like this...I don't go around making websites to specifically slag group of people or any relgion - neither does anyone I know. I think you really need to think about how you are offending people by creating this site. It is a horrible, nasty, NASTY thing to do. It makes me terribly angry to know someone like you takes pleasure in doing something like this. All the stereotypical comments you have put up also...a minority of Muslims may terrorise, just as a minority of Irish people terrorise or any other group of people - so why do you feel the need to target Muslims? This website is sick, please remove it and get on with your life. Whatever it is you believe or do not believe, there is no point going out your way to offend people. The fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and science can be explained originating in Islam proves to all non-believers that it is the just and true religion. If you do not believe this I have no objection towards you, just that it is morally inexcusable whatever your regligious beliefs, to publicly intentionally offend any other religion. In addition, the pictures you have put up are pictures symbolising Indians not Muslims, not that it matters seeing as this whole website is a load of crap. I hope you do what I politely ask - that you shut this down as it really is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Disguitstiing !!!! Racisttt'ss Shiitzz !!!!

Anonymous said...

your a bloody idiot, who hasn't gto a life and can't do anything apart from sit at a computer screen and dicriminate our religion, because you know that when you'll go out and say something, you aint coming back with that same sarcastic smile on you face you bastard.

i take it that man in the video is you, well 80 year old man, i am a 16 year old muslim girl, who found out about this site, and i think you're sick, you haven't got any respect for anyones personal views or religion, you think you're right without even exploring the truth depth of islam, the hadith, the qur'an and you sit there and make out like you know what you're talking about. Well let me tell you something, no one has any respct for an crippled old man, sitting at home updating his racist site and watching porn at the same time.

Everyone has a right to their own views, yet you abuse that right and then try to justify what you're doing by saying you're tryiing to show people the truth. this is your own biased opinion, and you think its right to sit there and publicise someting so sick.

you should feel embarrased at the fact that people 40 years younger than you, have more sense and shame than you do....but then again you probably don't if you created this site without any consience. How about you explore the true meaning of islam and not base your views on what you think is right (eg: taliban, terrorism), in cae you han't noticed, terrorism doesn't just mean SOME muslims bombing things, british people have done much worse? (eg; animal rights-did you hear about the people who dug up the bidy of an old woman related to a family of the HUman life sciences company).....get your facts right!...stop abusing your freeddom of speech....and if you can say you've learnt everything there is about islam and you can truly say this is islam....stop with your idiotic site yeah!....your life's probably over and everyones probably left ya...but try to feed your boredom with something moe productive...yeah!.....

and i don't care if you say ''well there's people who love my site and appreciate what i'm doing!!'....i don't care that makes them as bad as you....maybe worse for spurring you on...

This country is a Multi-ethnic, Mutli-religion, country GET OVER IT!!!

Anonymous said...

o maa k loray to bht bara randi ka bacha hai tum sub khus k bachon tumhare maao ko kuttay road pe chodte hai madar chod .. teri behan ka 10 pig rape kertay hai madar khus randi. israel ki ma ki choot

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

this is the most saddest and dissapointment ever, i cant believe someone is stupid enough to make this and it just shows who the bad people really are... islam is about peace and u wuld kno that if you spent just a litle time doing your own research...from me perssonally i hope you drop dead because its not funny when u make fun of a religion i just think you were made a joke of your whole life and this is just a way of you getting back at he bad hatterz just show how much we are loved so haha fool u lost!!! no ones got time to read your stupid site and deep down i know u wishh u were one of us....



Manager/Director said...


you are very stupid people.YOU will be burn in hell.

my foot

Anonymous said...

brief and illustrated guide to understanding islam

islam is the truth.
allahou akbar

Swine Flu Sue said...

a more accurate 'brief and illustrated guide to understanding islam' :o)

Nasir Hussain said...

Well a true muslim never insult any religion, either, Jesus, Mohammad, Moses, Allah, Ram, Krishen, Guru, Rub or any one. well i only want to post a comment that all the religions gives the lesson of love. but if i insult Jesus, Moses, Krishen (God forbid), then what is the difference between me and mo and all the anti islamic fundamentals. To insult any religion this is the same like u drink urs own urine or eath urs own shit.

in western culture, we dont care of our kids to start drugs to sleep with some one to do sins, to take part in spoiling our forefather's ways. but the only thing some Islamic enemies are giving $$$s to Mo and all other people for all these bullshits. and u know Mo, how much time of life u have spent. 30 years, 40 years, and how much more u will stay in da crazy world. urs last place is waiting u very anxiously. whenever u will be the bite of last bed, where only and only urs good deeds will be cure of urs hurts. no body will help u, no mum, no dad, no bro, no sis, nothing dear, u know daily u awake and time is flying in full speed and nigh come, everi year u celebrate urs birthday, but dont u know that one year of life is also loosing. a day will come when urs eyes will close. and only tears will be urs future, and there will be only shame shame and shame for you, u know the ball is in urs court now, u r playing whatever u want and dat day when the ball will be in Almighty's court, what will u do.....
i request to all muslims dont spoil urs tongues, a muslim is muslim call it from any name.
Islam is in our heart and no body can finish it.

May Almighty Allah showers is His entire Blessings on all of us muslims and show these anti-muslims a right way. Ameen

hellosnackbar said...

Oh dear the religion of peace posting their puerile twaddle on a semi redundant thread.
Well! after cosulting my "pigskin" bound koran I find the usual shit from the Islamoturds;you know "judgement day",mighty Allah will punish you,Islam willconquer the world etc. etc.etc.
If there was one brain cell between the the lot of you ignorant
untalented excuses for the human species you'd know that the illiterate babarian known as Mohammed(pus be upon him)was as stupid and shallow minded as you
sheep(pigs are more intelligent).
You have the notion that your 7th century beliefs will triumph over western science.
Well stew in the pathetic belief of your imaginary man in the sky and know that your life will be one of FAILURE as your life slips away.
Wank upon your reward of imaginary virgins and rivers of booze.
And if you take the celestial space donkey that your psychopathic prophet
alledgedly took(pus be upon him);
Then be sure to wave triumphantly
and I will convert.
In the meantime do yourself a favour and give up the idiotic death cult that you call a religion.
Allah doesn't exist and Mo WAS A CRIMINAL.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the hate. Why?

Oh Lord above, please help this misguided soul who has the devil inside him, whispering to him to spread corruption and hate throughout the world. As if we don't have enough of it already.


cialis said...

Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple