Wednesday 1 August 2007

Come and Say 'Hi' to Allah's Favourite Prophet

Pat Condell (Peace Be Upon Him) commenting on Sudan.

One of Allah's favourite sections of my 'Official Website' has always been my comments page. He's forever telling me how much he enjoys reading all the lovely thing
that Infidels have to say about his favourite prophet (that's me!)...although he is a little surprised at some of the more hostile remarks from followers of the 'tolerant and peaceful religion of peace'!

As you all know, I welcome suggestions about my website - although not all are anatomically possible. Many of you have asked me to stop being so lazy and update the comments page more often. So I thought I'd change things round a bit and decided to set this page up...clever, eh?!!! And, if you're ever feeling a bit nostalgic you can still read the old comments.

Be good ;o)
Love and Kisses, Mo (PBUM)


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hellosnackbar said...

Oh Mo,What a wonder is your new website.
Let the fatwas begin!!!

bobbird3 said...

Hi Mo,
How about a "celebrity beheading" page???

Anonymous said...

Mo! You look faaabulous! Have you been working out? Love the hat!

Only Ed and The Almost

Smooth said...

Love it. Finally, I have found a site where I can read about islam in the only way that it was meant to be read; by intelligent writers. The last thing islamists can tolerate is a population of thinking, educated people.
Ignorance is the oxygen that keeps these bastards alive. Introduce any kind of learning and critical thinking into a population and the islamist dies. Thank you for starting the decomposition process.

AstroJew said...

Great site, linked you.

Anonymous said...

"Eternal vigilance is the price of civilization."

"Islam is an organized crime against humanity!"

thanks for this site n for being u, Mo!!

Anonymous said...

Best site in the world oh friend of the Danes !I've sent your site all over the world...well the civilised world anyway.

Anonymous said...

One thing is to feel the way you do about Islam, but to mock it is another. I hope your ignorance doesn't exceed you so far that you are unable to learn from what I have just said.

This is not me defending Islam but showing you how ignorant you can be.

Anonymous said...

I miss the 'ask Mo' section, so if I might, I'm going to go ahead and use this comments section for that.
Anyway, here's my question:
Dear Mo,
A lot of men, upon reaching middle-age, have what is colloqially known as a 'mid-life crisis'. They usually react to this by buying a fast motorcycle or car. You however, decided to get married to a 6-year-old girl when you were 53. My question is, if the internal combustion engine had been invented (by the infidel, along with just about everything else that's awesome) way back then, would you have gone with the sports-car/-bike, or does your goddam shiteating sexual deviancy (which, incidentally, is one of your better qualities) transcend epochs.
Oh, and also -why is it that the majority of your followers are total assholes?
Little Billy.

Anonymous said...

Mo, what d'ya say of it?

Anonymous said...

Your site rocks M0. Keep it up (no pun intended)!

Anonymous said...

Sir: I "happened" across your website a few weeks ago. As one (of many in the U.S.) working in the cause of counter-terrorism, I cannot express my admiration to you and others like you whom are brave and sincere enough to expose Islam for what it really is. In my view, all of you are doing a service to all of mankind in working to rid humanity of this evil called Islam. Ali Sina and others are contributing to this cause though serious debate and you are contributing to it through serious humor. It is a "War Against Islam" using 21st century tools of information technology. Please do not become discouraged or give up the fight. We need you and others like you. This time, we will win -- and, Sir, your contributions to this victory will be recognized.

Anonymous said...

It is clear from your cheap website that you indulge yourself in hating Islam and Muslims---as a Muslim though I am very happy that hating us is making your life worth living...Carry on writing mate..because websites like yours make people want to know more about this "evil" religion and when they do find out... they actually fall in love with it and eventually embrace it. Honestly mate, this is how many reverts discovered Islam, through reading cheap stuff like yours and then wanting to find out more....Keep up the good work, and I look forward to meeting more of your readers....

Ohh forgot, you may want to change the numerical system on your website...The numbers your are using are Islamic/Arabic. I don't think you want your friends and people like you to know that you are using an Islamic innovation , do you..That would be humiliating in' it....

With love from Europistan..

Anonymous said...

I request you to please consider taking off this site as it causes hurt and vindications of proportions unknown.

It is in your own interests and that of the mankind that we spread peace, create understanding, develop and sustain mutual respect and consideration towards each other's feelings and sentiments.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant what a great site! I've sent the link to all my mates. Love your photo album Mo esp the wedding pics I'll b e printing them out and handing them out down the pub!

Anonymous said...

LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
What kinda place you got here!
This is paradise!

Anonymous said...

Muslims are laying claim to inventing counting with numbers now? Just how in the hell does it manage to do that for something that was in abundance 30,000 years before Islam even existed? Oh, right, I know - time travel. Fair enough, just add it to the other pitifully short list of glorious 'Islamic Inventions' stolen, renamed and passed off as their own upon conquering another civilisation by force, during the 'Islamic Golden Age' a.k.a Dark Ages. Why not?
As far as this site being good for recruitment of Muslims. That's great! Laughing (very, very hard) at Islam can be enjoyed by Muslims and Infidels alike. Perfect.
And to the guy who wants the website removed: nobody's forcing you to read it. If you don't like it, then that's your problem, and you must try to deal with it like a man. Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

Best site for printing on the www!
Keep up the good work Mo for the benrefit of our retarded little self exploding chums

Anonymous said...

anon said;

I request you to please consider taking off this site as it causes hurt and vindications of proportions unknown.

It is in your own interests and that of the mankind that we spread peace, create understanding, develop and sustain mutual respect and consideration towards each other's feelings and sentiments.

12 August 2007 20:

Are you mad? Who cares if your feelings are hurt? Its not the same as being DEAD killed by an exploding Muslim? Who's interests? Ours? No its in YOUR interests to keep the sheep people grazing peacefully while the "Orcs" (thats you)...surround us.
Too late pal we're on to you. Great site Mo the whole office is peeing themselves laughing.

Anonymous said...

I heard about this and couldn't believe it was true. Its fantastic 5*****'s. LOve Strangers on My Flight!

Anonymous said...

Its the best laugh I've had in years. My boy told me about it and I've sent it to my boss to cheer him up. Pity its not in the papers its knocks page 3 even. Love the Dress up Mo game

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank God you are, now beetle off and pray again will you? Those buttock raises wont do themselves you know.
There must be scores of women you could be harassing on their way to the shops and a thousand placards need crayoning while your hanging around here with infidels shooting the breeze.
You could even be practicing all those abrogated verses of your war manual you trot out for the idiots.

Anonymous said...

I could spend the whole day on here and not laugh at the same joke twice. You are a genius sir.

Anonymous said...

Funny funny funny site about very strange people. Keep up the good work Mo.

JustaDog said...

I think the strength of his stench is greater than any muscular one.

Maybe he did have muscles - from killing and slaughtering all those women and children.

He, nor his followers, feared real men of courage, so they attack the helpless and weak.

Anonymous said...

Europistan, you had better get your facts right first. The number system we use may well be referred to as the "Arabic system", but they are by no means an Arab/Islamic invention as you claim. In fact, the so-called Arab numbers system are of Hindi origin. But this is typical of the many false claims made by the cultural backwater that is Islam, whether it is re-discovering Greek mathematics or appropriating Indian numerals.

If Islam had had its way there would be no scientific revolution, no industrial revolution, no great figurative art, no great literature (except for Ali Baba and the forty thieves perhaps), no dance, no music; in short: mankind would have made little intellectual progress and most people would be living colourless joyless lives. A bit like life in many Islamic countries today, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I dont call that living, thats why they're so keen on dying..old mo promised them a way out of their crappy earth existence and like little kids they swallow his hallucinations whole.

Anonymous said...

Fistly, your 'prophet' is dead. Long dead. He did ~1375 years ago. Get over it, you weird fuck. Secondly he may or may not have said something peaceful once during his nasty little life (let's fly in the face of common sense and pretend he did mumble something to do with peace at some point), but his crazy followers (that includes you incidentally) paid no attention to it, instead preferring to focus on all the abhorrent stuff he practiced and said. You know, like cutting infidels heads off, making war with them where you find them, treating women like shit. And Islam has been poisoning everything it comes into contact with long before America, Britain or Israel, or anyone else who Mulsims like to blame their unending list of problems on, ever existed.
Simply put, Islam=failure. Be a man and take some responsibility for your problems. Nobody likes a whinger.
And when you've done that stop using your computer, the internet, electric light &c, if the things that 'U GUYZ WHO SPOIL THE WHOLE WORLD' pioneered whilst your tribe were busy oppressing, killing, hating; failing, are so terrible. Go and live in a hut in the desert, and howl at the moon or something, and let us, the sane people, get on with our lives without having to be interrupted by your medieval weirdness.

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to see hw you trounced the dhimmi Belgian awyers Mo.
Dont keep us waiting dear prophet.

hellosnackbar said...

I notice that John Howard(australia's prime minister)has told australian muslims to and accept
the majority culture and integrate
like everybody else.
Failure to do this ;then muslims can
exercise their right to leave and live under Sharia law in another part of the planet.
This is an unambiguous message to
"Fuck off".
Pity that the obsequious twats who
masquerade as politicians in the UK
dont't take a lead from this no nonsense man and say the same.
The inane response from a local imam was to convert to Islam, or go to Hell.
Seems to me that hell would be far preferable a place than heaven, if it were populated by arseholes like that.

Anonymous said...

I always heard that Islam requires 4 witnesses to prove rape. (That's why, may alleged rapists have been able to escape punishment under the sharia law, people have claimed.)

But when I read that verse (24:4) in the Quran, it was acutally designed/its emphasis was to curb slanderous accusations of ADULTERY, rather than to lay down laws for the punishment of RAPE as such. These 2 are very different conducts - 1 harms, the other doesn't (well, if you believe in consensual sex).

If that is the case, I wonder if there is any other verses in the Quran which specifically punishes RAPE (not adultery)?

If not, the following questions arise:

1, Is it true that the Quran only punishes adultery? (So, Islamic jurists have tried to create rape law based on those verses on adultery?)

2, Why didn't the Quran punish rape? Could it be that (IF all the slanders and accusations against Prophet Mohamed that he and his Jihadists are war criminals, robbers and rapists are true) if there is such a law, these Muslims themselves would have been the first to be punished?

Anonymous said...

Muslims' Gravest Dilemma: Muhammad-Primitive or Paedophile?


"Indeed in the Messenger of Allah [Muhammad (SAW)] you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much." (Al-Ahzab 33:21)

Because M (forgive me for feeling that mentioning the monster's dirty name is too sick and disgusting) is the gold standard of humanity, Muslims have come to believe that it is not only encourageable to follow him, it's a DUTY to do so - i.e. it's a SIN if you fail to follow. Not only taht he can do NO WRONG, whatever he did was ALL MORALLY GOOD.

M married Ayesha at 6, fudged her at 9 while she was still playing with her dolls.

By the above logic, it would be a SIN/failure in obeying the religious duty if any Muslim man does not commit STATUTORY RAPE of underaged girl. If that girl is, say, 10, it would still be a failure because the best age is 9. Therefore, marrying or fudging a 12, 14 or 16 year old girl does not meet the obligation of a pious Muslim.

Some Muslims who live in serious denial come up with the idea that M should not be criticised because it was customary or common for kings and emperors at that time to have child brides. So, M was not doing anything unusual, and should not be criticised.

This is a suicidal logic.

Because at one stroke, it denied the ETERNITY of M's actions, and throw the Sunnah/Hadeeth completely out of the window - M's actions are NOT eternally good/exemplary. That is also slapping Allah in His face. (And for the less sophisticated Muslims who try to pick and choose some of M's actions as eternal while some not, think again, because that's a bonus slap on Allah's face.)

But if they still want to hold on to M's 'eternity', then they would have to ADVOCATE ALL of M's actions as morally right - including sexual abuse of children. This is directly acknowledging the nature of Islam as it truly is - OUTDATED and PRIMITIVE.

Therefore, Muslims today have to address this fundamentally irreconcilable dilemma.

- When push comes to shove, some smart ass Muslims might try the lazy way out, the last resort of nuking reason, logic and ethics altogether, of claiming that Allah can be unreasonable or defy logic, and it is beyond us, finite mortals, to question His wisdom or his dearest Prophet's.


"French Islamist R. Arnaldez, who points out that Ibn Hazm went so far as to state that God is not bound even by his own word, and that nothing would oblige him to reveal the truth to us. Were it God's will, we would even have to practise idolatry."

Faced with the unenviable choice of admitting that your religion is OUTDATED and PRIMITIVE, or that your holy prophet is a MONSTER PAEDOPHILE, the only advisable option is to quit Islam in shame, and never mention the I word again for the rest of your live.

Anonymous said...

Well done flicking off the dhimmi belgian lawyer. Next time lets not rescue them from Nazi's but let them enjoy their own kind?

Anonymous said...

who da fuk r u cant show urself to scared to give ur details. Dont b dissin islam lyk dat u best delete dat site or otherwise u got it coming

Anonymous said...

'who da fuk r u cant show urself to scared to give ur details. Dont b dissin islam lyk dat u best delete dat site or otherwise u got it coming'

Excellent bit of parody, that. It's got it all: threats of violence, illiteracy, calls for censorship; an unwanted insight into the psychotic, primitive mind. Brilliant. Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were one of the cultists themselves...

Anonymous said...

Some of you have heard the song, but have you seen the infamous video? "The Mohammed Song" is on YouTube here:


Only Ed and The Almost

Anonymous said...

You are the chief, the big Mo, so why are your belivers cursing you.
Please say hello to the almight Allah. You should tell Allah to show the belivers some true miracle, may be ougs flying?

Anonymous said...

hey stupid let do ur own work dont disturb anyone about islam.. ok n kuttay k bachay bharaway ki nasal randi ki olaad choot k pedis ye sab teri bhen chudayeeee hai islam k baaray main ab kuch mat kehna

Anonymous said...

ali sina zindabad, hai hai musalman.

Anonymous said...

Katue ke poot - Koran Pe moot :)

Anonymous said...

Allaa ki gand me - Suar ka lullaa

Anonymous said...

@ Fahrid A. said...
kuttay k bachay bharaway ki nasal randi ki olaad choot k pedis ye sab teri bhen chudayeeee hai islam k baaray main ab kuch mat kehna.
Abey saaley katue madarchod, sub choot ki hee paidaish hootey hai. Kya to GAAND se paida hua hai? ;)

Anonymous said...

Koran pe mooto - 1 jannat free
Masjid toro - 2 jannat free
Muhammad ki ammi chodo - Sare jannat FREE

b'coz - muhammad ki ammi = macca ki rundi

Anonymous said...

love ur site xD

Anonymous said...

Visit and see mohammad's family album at

Anonymous said...

sir did you visit heaven? it is said it is very cold and hot blooded muslims can only servive with you in hell. is it true it is nice and good for the bad kafurs?
asking your unholines[piss be upon you]

Anonymous said...

6 years on, very little has changed. We're with you America - keep fighting.

Anonymous said...


Koran pe mooto - 1 jannat free
Masjid toro - 2 jannat free
Muhammad ki ammi chodo - Sare jannat FREE

Anonymous said...

Sareeeee musalmaan - HARAMI ki AULAD

Anonymous said...


Koran pe mooto - 1 jannat free
means piss on koran and you will get one heaven free.

Masjid toro - 2 jannat free
means destroy the mosque and you will get 2 heavens free

Muhammad ki ammi chodo - Sare jannat FREE
means fu*k muhhm-mad's mother, and you will get all heavens from allah

Mo said...


Please be aware that I am currently unable to post on this blog due to a 'technical' issue which should soon be sorted out.

Thank you for your patience - especially 'infidelsalwayswin' :o)

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed in Osama bin Laden's latest video that he has trimmed and dyed his beard? At least now we can see his human side - he's vain!

I suggest that he next tries a little brow lift and possibly a face peel.

If he really wants to inprove his image I think he should lose the turban. I also suggest that he watches one of the many makeover shows on the TV for some ideas. Now I think about it, wouldn't it be nice to see him participate on one - "Osama - the Makeover", a ratings success!

Anonymous said...

Dear Muhammad,
I think your imaginary friend named allah also started blogging and showing your family in his blog.

Have he not told you about it yet? If not then how you are claiming to be his favorite prophet?

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to wish you good luck in hell. i will inhumanely enjoy your
torment :)

Anonymous said...

wonderful, totally wonderful- my faith in human nature is temporarily restored xxx

Anonymous said...

How we are still tolerant of these people after the last 6 years really pisses me off. I found your site and I have to say that having laughed till my head hurt made today a little eaisier to take.
thanks Mo and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Love your website!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mo (Pies Be Upon You) - I got my mugs today. Fantastic!!!!! Thanks be to Allah.

Anonymous said...

That picture (of the bodybuilder) is a woman. Does this mean, Mo, that you are in fact, a woman?

Mo said...

@ infidelsalwayswin
Now there's a deeply worrying thought for many Muslim 'men'.

Mo said...


The ever popular 'Ask Mo' section has returned due to popular demand and can be accessed via Allah's favourite website

hellosnackbar said...

There's a program entitled:"the jihadist story" on panorama next monday.Seems like Al BBC is moving away from the dark side(or have become jealous of the success of Ch4's)
Anyway come next monday we shall all know.
Great to see "Ask Mo" back again.
There are many more searching questions on the insanity of Islam to be answered by Allahs favourite

Anonymous said...

Yeah, great to see the 'Ask Mo' section back.
I shan't be watching 'The Jihadist Story' though. That's not for me. That's for people still unaware. Thought how they can still be unaware at this stage is beyond me. Which leads me to think that it's less to do with awareness and more a deliberate unwillingless to listen to reason. In which case, a documentary isn't going to help those people. That's the realm of anti-psychotic pharamaceuticals and electro-convulsive therapy.
Also, I'm not watching anything the BBC farts out (even though I have no choice but to pay for it). That's a matter of priniciple.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Got your mug today Mo. It's brilliant. My mates love it too so I guess you'd better get some more ready! You're the best! X

hellosnackbar said...

So that halfwit Trevor Phillips has made a twat of himself(not for the first time)with his absurd claim that the Ottomans were contributors to the demise of the
Spanish Armada(one of the best documented events in history):thus demonstrating a degree ofnaiveity,
which shows beyond question that he's unsuitable to head a useless quango, which squanders £70,000,000
of tax payers money yearly.
Time to give him his P45 Gordon, or,if he had any self respect, he should resign immmediately.
One wonders who gave him this piece
of information(probably some "sheethead islamist")but the fact that he believed it;is sufficient to label him as a fool.
if he had any decency to

Red Squirrel said...

Totally brilliant MO, I shall link to your Site, not laughed so much in ages,

Mo said...

@ red squirrel

It's a pleasure! I'll add a link to your blog from my links page in the next couple of days!

Anonymous said...

I hope I get the chance to mmet you one day and ask you in person why you feel it is ok to insult anothers religion. If you feel justified for you actions and can sleep at night, you are truly sick.

Anonymous said...

Is the Red Squirrel meant to be symbolic of us, the native Briton(in that they've been outbred by immigrant squirrels and are now on the endangered species list)? Or do you just like Red Squirrels?
We have a couple of squirrels (grey, of course) that come into our garden to chew their nuts. Fascinating creatures, really cute.

Mo said...

@ anonymous

then i must be 'truly sick'

hellosnackbar said...

There's a plan afoot to chemically castrate grey squirrels in order to protect our own indigenous species(the red squirrel);the greys having been recently classifide as vermin..
It has been mooted in the recent past that similar treatment be applied to dangerous paedophiles;mmmmmmh food for thought!

Unknown said...

The spectator magazine has organised a debate entitled"WE should not be reluctant to assert the superiority of westen values".
For the otiom are:Ibn Warraq and two others;against are:three dhimmi leftie apologists.
The outcome is self evident before it even starts:free speech, rule of law,secularism,science,literature etc.against: illiteracy,belief in illogical religion,state sponsored
murder and terrorism,wife beating,
stoning,sharia law superstition etc.
The collective description for all this is,culture,quite apposite in the sense that in the microbiological world there are benificial microorganisms, without
which human beings could not survive e.g nitrogen fixing bacteria through which we derive our proteins,(the west)and toxic pathogens e.g cholera, typhoid,HIV
which threaten our survival (the mus-slimes).
It's a slam-dunk but it may serve the purpose of an alert for the "don't knows and cares" as to the impertinent and pernicious threat posed by these metaphorical pathogens in our midst; insofar as they have already invaded our healthy body.
We need the necessary defense mechanisms to resist.

Anonymous said...

@ Katy !!


Anonymous said...

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world! Estimates of the total number of Muslims range from 1.5 to 1.8 billion worldwide and 7.1 to 10 million in the U.S. About 27% of all people on earth follow Islam. The religion is currently in a period of rapid growth. Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world. It is followed by about 33% of all people -- a percentage that has remained stable for decades. If current trends continue, Islam will become the most popular world religion sometime in the mid-21st century. Islam is growing faster than the world Population! Muslims are scattered all over the middle east, africa, north america, russia, china with over 130 million muslims, europe and australia! Muslims come in all shapes and sizes and color.


Anonymous said...

absolutely fantastic site, keep up the good work i nearly pissed myself laughing

Anonymous said...

Put religion aside for 10 seconds, 10 minutes whatever and question what believe in and why. Aside from what some have told you, it won't kill you.

Ask yourself, When was the last time you spoke to your significant figure in person. How about Allah. When did he sit you down and tell you its ok to kill?

For those of you who can say you have met with allah personally, you must be the oldest bastard on this planet. Those of you who haven't met him, Try to put what the Koran and your elders have told you aside. Sounds crazy i know. With religion set aside, can you still justify the killing of people simply for having different thoughts? Can you still explain why women have to be hidden? Is having sex with someone against their will still right? What puts you higher position of power than non believers? Or women?

Anyone out there who is capable of producing an answer legitimizing these actions without the use of religion please do tell.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mo, It's your good buddy Jesus here. I've heard your followers are a kind hearted, tolerent bunch who are eager to learn new ways, so I thought I'd give them a bit of choice by getting some churches built in the middle east. I'm sure they'd welcome Cristians with open arms and assist us in establishing a new sect of Christianity known as 'The Church of Arabia'. I'd start in Saudi (a nice sized gothic slyle cathedral would look good in Mecca, next to that black rock) and then probably move on to places like Iran and Syria. They'd love it! What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mo, I work with a Muslim bloke who seemed quite normal until about six months ago when he started to grow a long beard (asian facial hair seems to grow at a fair rate of knots). He's now shaved his head and turned into a loner. Will he explode any time soon? I'm keeping my distance just in case.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mo, it's Jesus here again. This whole 'paradise full of beautiful virgins' malarky sounds great but when thet're dressed from head to toe in black how do you know they are beautiful? How do you know they are virgins? For all you know, they could be fat, smelly, pig ugly divorcees, in their mid 40's with five kids. Suddenly doesn't sound so appealing after all, does it?

Anonymous said...

Stop bothering Mo, Jesus. He's busy with making Aisha a costume for her school play.

Mo said...

Hi Jesus,

have you never heard of 'Ask Mo'? I'll finish Aisha's costume in a couple of days and then i'll post the answers to your questions on the 'Ask Mo' hang around until then!

Anonymous said...

Great. You get new recruits (mostly in the Third World) to join your...uh, club, and we get to laugh our asses off at it. Everyone's a winner, right?

AstroJew said...

Yes, in some peculiar way.

Anonymous said...

Before sending his companions for jihad didnt Mohammed tell them not to harm the women, children and elders????He also told them only to attack if the enemy attacks you first... Its written in the Quran that he did tell them this .... So how can he be violent ?????

AstroJew said...

Because you probably havenwt read the Quran. If you would, then you'll know that's not true.

Anonymous said...

Hio Mo,
I always thought myself to be a religious female.. Untill i came to your website.. I never thought I would enjoy jokes on u.. but i must say its an awesome website.. and shows real hard work.. every muslim should visit it once.. i have already forwarded the website to all my friends in pakistan and india.. i love ur website.. am ur biggest fan.. keep up the good work.. islam was never so much fun to know :-)

Anonymous said...

Before sending his companions for jihad didnt Mohammed tell them not to harm the women, children and elders????He also told them only to attack if the enemy attacks you first... Its written in the Quran that he did tell them this .... So how can he be violent ?????


FINALLY! I am SO GLAD to see a Muslim ADMIT that Muhammad wrote the Quran!! Now, kindly show us *where* this was allegedly said.

Bear in mind that I have a wealth of Quran/ahadith/Tafseer to sling at you once you present your 'evidence'

And no Muslim; Abdullah Yusuf Ali isn't going to get you out of this particular untruth! :p

Anonymous said...

The way I understand it, Muhammed didn't wrire the Qur'an. Rather it was written by his disciples in accordance with the syphillitic ravings he, uh raved about. Muhammed was - aswell as a murdering, thieving, child abusing, woman-beating dick - illiterate. If Muhammed had indeed writtedn the Qur'an, it'd just be a load of meaningless gibberish. Even more so, I mean.

Anonymous said...

My mother's donkey-dick sucking days are well and truly over.
Every Muslim's dick in my mother's twot eh? So that's 1.2 billion or so? Yeah, that should just about satisfy her; I hear you guys are kind of small.
Thanks for the input - very entertaining. It wouldn't tkae Freud to realise what your psychological problems are.

AstroJew said...

Muslims, can you see this nice little pardox you set over here?

While claiming to be tolerant, you talk in very untolerant manner.

Where's the Peace & Love within the "Religion Of Peace" (or piss over peace, depends who you asks )?

hellosnackbar said...

The comment from religious female(on the assumption that she is muslim)may mean that amongst the howling mob there is one muslim who has joined the human race.
I wonder if the rest of her family and friends are aware that islam can be "such fun".After reading all the childish threats and invective(on have your say)I somehow doubt it.

Anonymous said...

What about all the good things written in the Quran and all the scientific facts that were proved by Dr. Zakir Naik which show that the Quran is indeed from Allah... I admit that there are violent things in the book but what about all the peaceful things....???

Anonymous said...

Can you write EXACTLY where can this stuff be found at the Quran?

Anyway, you better get into

Anonymous said...

Well I guess your right ... but as to my knowledge, there are peaceful things in the Quran !

Anonymous said...

Zakir Naik: hmmmmm what does he know about koran and science. He as been refuted so many times. but he keeps on going. i was wondering when is he going to say sorry for his great uncle who killed millions of hindus. my great grandfatherx10 was murdered by aurangzeb.

Anonymous said...

Have you read the Quran so you can claim so?
Well, I did. And I found none.

Anonymous said...

I have read the Quran .... and I've found a few things here and there that relate to peace ... come on you have to admit that the whole of it does not preach violence..

hellosnackbar said...

Just heard the MI5 chief proclaim on radio4 that there may be up to 4000 "groomed" islamists who may carry out acts of extreme violence in the UK.
The author of the book"The Islamist"Ed Hussain concurs and suggests immediate counter measures.
Hussain a former senior organiser for Hisb-ut-Tahrir knows what he is talking about having undergone a"Damascene conversion" to common sense and decency, a few years ago; after witnesssing first hand the evil madness all around him.
He'd better watch his back though;for I'm sure that his former
pals will be seriously pissed off by his whistle blowing activities.
However, looking on the bright side, he demonstates that not all nutters
stay within the abomination that is islam.
He may in fact be an anonymous contributor to this very page.

Anonymous said...

Go fuck a sheep you bastard!

Go and sleep in your mother's pussy!!

I will blast your ass!!!

Go bend your mom over and screw her!!!!

I'm going to shove one finger in your mother's pussy and one in your ass!!!!!

I make your mother's pussy wet!!!!!

You motherfucker, comb the hair on my balls!!!!!!!

Your crooked dick is in your mom's smelly ass!!!!!!!

Your mum's pussy is so big that when I finger her my watch and two rings get stuck.!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to learn some English.....

Anonymous said...

Who told you about my grandma's smoking ass-bamboo-monkey?

Anonymous said...

Shit website! I cant wait for the day of judgement where u will b dragged by your balls and thrown into the fire!!!

I cant wait to watch u suffer in pain!!!

All the things u said about my beloved Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him), there are no words to describe the punishment u will b receiving.

Anonymous said...

The phrases "Religion Of Bitch" and "Religion of Peace" rhyme. don't they?

Anonymous said...

Indeed, a tolerant comment worthy of the religion of piss(ing on peace).

Anonymous said...


Mo said...

@ anonymous

lose the 'caps lock' makes you seem a little angry :o)

and chill out...this website is meant for everyone to enjoy... :o)

Anonymous said...

Since when exactly Japan or Singapore are Islamic?

And by the way, Malaysia is backward....

Anonymous said...

There're a simple set of tests we can use to predict whether or not Japan is an 'Islamic State.'
1. Is Japan still the third biggest economy in the world with a GDP of some $4.883 Trilion? - YES
2. Is Japan a modern constitutional monarchy, a secular democracy? - YES
3. Does Japan execute people for being gay, treat women like syphilitic rodents, lock up or execute political opponents of its tyrranical, cruel, theocratic regime? - NO.
Therefore I put it to you that Japan is in fact not an Islamic State.
And wouldn't you know it, a cursory search shows that, in fact, Japan has one of the lowest Muslim populations in the Developed World, so low that not only does it (Japan's Muslim population) fall under the category of 'Other' in the list of religious demographics, conservative estimates put it at around 100,000, which for those of you who aren't very good at mathematics (Ahmed, this one's for you), it works out at something around 0.078% of the population.
Malaysia and Singapore rank at 33rd and 55th biggest global GPDs repectively. Malaysia having a Muslim population of of 60.4%, Singapore having a Muslim population of 14.9%.
Nothwithstanding that both of these countries are part of the Third World (Developing World if you're a handwringing PC type), any success Malaysia has - which is the only actual country of all the ones mentioned so far with a Muslim majority - can be reasonably attributed to the fact that a) it's an old British colony, and b) a quarter of its population are Chinese, which, as we all know are very industrious people.

hellosnackbar said...

So,while I've been away a plethora of silly,inane, puerile smut.(together with the usual threats and assorted gibberish)from our learned muslim pals.
It's truly pathetic(but at the same time provides comic entertainment).
The rhetoric sadly seems to have a common thread, to wit:fucking one's mother,boiling your balls,retribution,judgement day and of course the eventual triumph of Islam.
Dream on you morons you are indulging in an impossible fantasy.
We all have fantasies of course one of mine is that an "Islamonazi"
declares himself(herself being out of the question)as a candidate in the next general election, on an islamist ticket.
It would be a hoot!
Imagine; someone campaigning on a platform of sharia law(with honour killings,stonings,state sponsored murder of apostates,execution of homosexuals,zizyat to be paid by all infidels etc,etc).It would be a comedy circus.
Get used to it you muslims; unless there is some cataclysmic change in the world order you are condemned to several lifetimes of ridicule and embarrasment.
The solution?Dump Allah ,Mohammed and the whole ridiculous cult.
You must know it makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Everyone loves fireworks. You get to go 'oooh' and 'aaah' as they go off, write your name (or a forshortened version of it) with sparklers and eat cylinder-shaped, machine recovered pork, boiled in salty water and slapped in a white roll with fried onions, mustard, and ketchup.
Islam's first positive contribution to humanity after 1400 years of mayhem, stagnation, rape, bad craziness, violence, hatred and murder is going to be a fireworks display? Small, baby steps. But positive nonetheless. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Some of these insults are very impressive, not to mention entertaining. Kind of reminds me of being 12 again. Looks like the numpty fuckwit who wrote the previous post is planning some sort of human firework display in the new year. If your kiddy fiddling, paedo prophet was here to see this he would be very proud!

Why do camels spit? Because they don't like the taste of muslim cum.

MOSLEM = Millions Of Smelly Loonies Emigrate Monthly

Anonymous said...

What's it going to be this time? Another bearded nut setting himself on fire and then dying later in agony? Or maybe two gumbies arrested in their underpants in front of their flat by the police whilst the world watches and laughs. That's not terror - that's comedy.
Anyway, I still think you should just put on a nice fireworks show. something relatively simple. Something you can't get wrong. Though there are a lot of variables involved in letting off fireworks that would prove too taxing for the Muslim mind. Maybe you could get someone else to do it for you?
But yeah, a nice fireworks display. You know, as a way of saying thankyou to us for letting you crawl out of whatever Third World, primitive shithole it was that you had the misfortune of being born in, to come and live here in this rich, prosperous, advanced country. And to say thankyou for for all of the wonderful stuff us infidels have done whilst your tribe were scrubbing around in the sand, murdering, oppressing and hating each other since the inception of your vile desert cult.
But, there's no telling you eh?
Go ahead, try to blow something up. Set yourself on fire, or be arrested before hand and spend the rest of your irrelevant life behind bars, or be assasinated (by having several grams of fast-moving copper-covered lead inserted into your funny-looking face) by a special-forces-trained policeman whilst en route to your little sucide-mass-murder 'operation'. 7/7 was a 'free turn' if you will. It'll never be allowed to be repeated.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why I went anonymous, Jesus isn't my real name. Sorry folks, I'm not the saviour afterall!

Anonymous said...

So you're saying that in the future, there's going to be some sort of problem with plumbing? Jesus, that is pretty bad.
Oh well, I'm sure we'll find some way of overcoming it; we've been through a lot worse, afterall.

hellosnackbar said...

Can it be that" Rageboy" intends a murderous response to offensive scribblings on this site?
If so then it only supports the thesis that the only way demented muslims can confront their impotent frustrations is by murderous outrage, because this is what we've known all along.
Tell you what you miserable little tosser why don't you sneak off to bed and have a quiet wank(with Mohammed as your muse; you are always saying how much you love the long deceased smelly old"billygoat")knowing you'll feel a lot less angry afterwards.

Anonymous said...

The guy is taunting you, your holiness. actually he is a scaredy pig who us writing all this, making muslim look bad. he is doing a fine job. i say!!
musalman murdabad

Anonymous said...

@ Above ....

Tell me your name and where you live you motherless dog fucker and I'll show you who a scaredy pig really is ....and, making my brothers look bad eh?? I don't see anything bad in protesting against sites that humiliates OUR religon of peace. And since you know my language one more thing "abay barway, kute ki aulad teri mah chod key rukh doon gah rundi ki aulad, mahdarchod..salah hurami.

@ Infidelsalwayswin.

Problem with the plumbing ???? Hey you know your very smart Einstein, very smart, that gives me a very good idea though !

@ hellosnackbar

How about I wank your father off, behead him and feed him to my dog.Good Idea ????

Anonymous said...

I thought you guys weren't allowed to have dogs. Something about archangels not wanting to visit your hovel because of the dog or some such weird nonsense. What gives? Also, dogs are loyal, loving, intelligent and fun, which, let's face it, are very unIslamic qualities.
Are you telling porky pies? Didn't your mother ever teach you that was naughty? Tut-tut.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll be - I didn't know that. I read somewhere that dogs are considered unclean and that angels won't enter your house if there's a dog in it and that Allah will take his wrath (again with the wrath) out on you if you keep a dog. Oh, and that black dogs are considered evil. Sure that all sounds, quite frankly, nuts, but no more nuts than the rest of the stuff in the Qur'an.
I've never eaten a dog in my life. At least I don't think I have. I have had a few kebabs whilst shitfaced, so I can't say for certain.
My mother was the best fuck of your life? Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you? I mean, apart from the obvious things.

Mo said...

@ anonymous (the islamonazi)

I hope you like the new pic of your paedophile prophet (prison be upon him)...Allah took it earlier ;o)

I know how sexually frustrated you must be at not being able to have sex before you get married to some hairy-arsed burkha clad hippo so maybe you can relieve your pent-up anger on the pic (remember to clean the monitor afterwards though).

Peace dude,


Mo said...

@ anonymous (the IslamoNazi)

I think you should visit my video page and watch the south park vid 'Why Muslims are Mad'...i'm sure you'll enjoy it ;o)

And, BTW, I had a word with Allah earlier and he told me that he's got a 'nice' surprise for you when the time is right ;o)

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, when is this 'take over' meant to be happening? And more specifically, when is the beginning of the 'take over' going to happen? What I mean to say, is it even relevant? Is it at all likely that it'll happen before the sun runs of of hydrogen to fuse? In ~4.5*10^9 years are Muslims going to say, 'Yes! By the will of Allah - we have finally taken over...say, uh, where is everyone?' only to (eventually, after a lot of ranting and chopping off of each others heads) come to the realisation that the rest of humanity has long since vacated the Earth, by means of the fruits of their ingenuity, and that they (Muslims) have spent all that time in a similar fashion to how they've spent their tenture on Earth so far i.e. killing, raping, stealing, failing, getting on everyone's tits, and that they're stuck on a doomed planet about to be engulfed by a dying star?
Islam is pretty much at the same level of advancement as it was at its invention (by you know who). Indeed, in some respects it's - and this might seem somewhat paradoxical given the very primitive state at its inception - regressed.
Maybe just pick a more realistic goal. Like opening some more kebab shops, or weaving some more rugs or something.

Anonymous said...

@ Mo.

Can you please be more specific as to what suprise Allah has in store for me. Come on, no incomplete sentences, be a man and speak out.... oh wait, I am sorry I forgot that your one timid little worm trying to wriggle his way out of the mess he has gotten himself into.. and by mess I mean messing with US.

@ Infidelsalwayswin.

Oh , you stupid bitch .... that day is not long from now when you'll be shitting in your pants and pissing all over your house as you have you head , limbs and BALLS cut off. Instead of accusing the Quran of being violent and filthy I suggest you sit down, read and understand it truly , deeply and thoughtfully maybe then you'll know the error of your ways and embrace Islam. The Quran has been proved by Dr. Zakir Naik for being 100% correct scientifically.Now you'll say that hes a con-man, if so then how come thousands upon thousands watch him so eagerly... haha even in the UK ... I've seen it with my own eyes .... you people want to accept Islam but dont know how to... well you will one day..

@ Anonymous...

Since your saying that Pakistan is a poor country , I would like you to PROVE it to me COZ what your saying is BULLSHIT.

Mo said...

@ anonymous (the IslamoNazi)

My sentence wasn't incomplete.

Did you enjoy the south park video?... I did :o))))

And, what's this 'mess' I'm in with you? (this is where you come back and tell me that you and your fellow followers of the religion of 'peace' know where I live and are going to come round and kill me slowly - after raping every memeber of my family first, of course).

It would actually be quite nice if you could make your death threats slightly more original in future.

stay cool my friend ;o)

Anonymous said...

@ Mo. (Its a very good thing I don't have QiuckTime)

We don't issue death threats for kicks. It's because we are provoked to do so (Muhammed cartoons, misunderstood allegations against Islam and blaming all Muslims for the sins of just a few). For instance, take you for example, I have the right to murder you because of what you have done and InshaAllah I will find you and kill only you not your family because they are innocent and the Quran doesn't teach us to kill innocent people. You misquote the Quran. For example the most attacked verse is " Wherever you see an infidel(Kafir) kill him-And all of you defame Islam because of this but you don't read the rest of the verse which says "but if the infidel wants peace, not only should you give it to him but you must also escort him to a place of safety" Actually, Mo, your ignorance knows no bounds.Read the Quran first dude and then judge-you'll find its a wonderful divine revelation-just give it a chance. Also, I challenge you to give me a single verse and surah in the Quran which is against humanity and established science( which I don't think you will, because they aren't any)

@ Anonymous

If you hate muslims so much, may I ask then why are you having sex with a muslim women. What's the matter? Are you tired of banging your sister? Or does she not cum anymore? You filthy shithead are not worthy of sleeping with an ummma.

Anonymous said...

Jihad, fatwa, bombing. That's all you retards talk about. After 9/11 and 7/7 you haven't really achieved very much in the western world, apart from the occasional burning doctor and frothy rucksack. You're all talk and it's getting a bit boring. It must be depressing to see the bombs raining down over Iraq and Afghanistan, every day, knowing there's absolutly FUCK ALL you can do about it apart from mumble about jihad and fatwas. You say YOU'RE retaliating. The ironic thing is the whole Afghanistan and Iraq thing would never have started if old Osama bin Camel Fucker hadn't flattened the WTC. So you've only got yourselves to blame and the longer you keep annoying us, the longer the bombs will keep raining down. We'll probably do Iran next, maybe Syria after that.

When the Pakistan earthquake happened 100000 people died. America sent food, Russia sent clothes...Britian sent replacements!

hellosnackbar said...

@anonymous fuckwit 2 or1.2billion.
Oh my Allah,
I made a typo;that camel piss/zamzam cocktail I was drinking is more potent than I thought.
The quoran is an extremely stupid tome; whose purpose is to aid extremely stupid people gain ascendency over non believers(who know muslims are stupid).
Why are muslims stupid?;because they believe that a narcissistic, itinerant, murdering,iliterate murdering moron had clandestine meetings with an angel(who had been
briefed by Allah).
Since his contempories were also somewhat intellectually challenged,
he convinced them of this fairy story because he was cunning enough to see a future profit(geddit)in it.
His masterstroke was also to declare that he was the last prophet, so that he couldn't be challenged by any rivals with an even more fantastic story of divine support.
This tactic of pretending to speak with god is
still used today(the old ones are always the best)by american evangelist christians.
The difference is that they don't
have any ambitions(except by proseletysing)to rule the world.
Whereas brain damaged muslims consider it their duty.
Btw I heard a so called debate between Robert Spenser(a man who's spent his life studying Islam) and Zakir Naik.
Spenser wiped the floor with him.(I
had a little sympathy with Naik since he attempted to defend the moronic cult of Islam which, as any fool knows(except stupid muslims), can't be done.
I'm sure that at some time common sense will prevail and that at some
time in the future tourists will visit mosques and laugh their socks off when it is explained to them what muslims used to believe.
Save yourselves; and dump Islam.
Imaginary Allah has no more power than a dessicated dog turd.

Anonymous said...

sorry to burst your bubble! it was she who intiated the sex. i was mowing my lawn when she came out of her house. she saw me and we chat. she wanted to see layout of my house as they wanted to buy our house. we bought it first. she came in and all of sudden she started brushig her boobs on me. we were in bed in 5 mins and wow she has never had sex like this before. her words. so i did not ask she gave and cam[cum]
hehehehe i fuck musalma
now we have sex once a week as she has a day ofin the miidle of the week.
i dnt care if she is muslim i only want her for sex.

Anonymous said...

What kind of lawnmower do you have? Any pictures?

Anonymous said...

I have push pull one. i dont belive in gas powered. plus i get good work out. i am sorry did not take pic of the mower.

Mo said...

I prefer a hover. Doesn't quite cut as well as a rotary but it's a lot easier. Got one of those bags on the back that collects the clippings too!

Anonymous said...

@ hellosnackbar.

Can you tell me exactly where I can get more info on this supposed debate between Zakir Naik and Robert Spencer as I think your a no good liar !

@ Anonymous

Ok, dude you go and enjoy yourself.

@ Mo

Dickhead, you still didn't answer my question. WHERE ARE THE VERSES???

Mo said...

@ anonymous (the IslamoNazi)

There are many here...

hellosnackbar said...

The Spenser/Naik debate as far as I can remember was on a a web site
entitled jihad watch.
But google Robert Spenser he doesn't hide his identity.
Btw your a liar is horrible english
your is the 2nd person possessive you should write:you are or you're.
If you learn to write properly you'll find the english language much more rewarding than chanting the filth and eighth century tosh in the Koran.
Watch Pat Condell on this page listen and learn ;it'll help you learn english too; otherwise you'll
stay the fuckwit I labelled you.

Anonymous said...

@ hellosnackbar,

I wouldn't call "your a liar" a horrible english phrase but term it as simply a slip of the finger ! Actually you're just jealous considering where I come from and the language I spoke from birth( which wasn't english) that my english is on the same level as yours, perhaps even better! And if I was so bad at english, how the hell am I responding to you? And in spite of your obvious stupidity, you choose to call me the fuckwit while remaining completely oblivious of what a complete fool you're making yourself look like.One more thing though, people are already refuting Robert Spenser and his books are being banned in the UK and mostly the whole world over due to suggestive themes of hatred and violence towards Islam. Whatever you do, the odds are in OUR favor and against you'll. We will succeed in imposing the Sharia law. Just wait and watch! Where did you learn the word 'fuckwit' from anyway? Hmmmm, maybe your parents addressed each other like that.

hellosnackbar said...

Dear anonymous(ie. the last anonymous or the next to the last).
You truly are a fuckwit. I did not mean that "your a liar" was an impolite term I meant that it was
incorrect english!!! and makes you look stupid.(It's the sort of mistake a five year old might make).
I,m guessing that urdu is your birth language and I've been to Pakistan. Landscapewise parts of it are very beautiful.It is an irony that it is populated by some very
ugly people(ugly in the sense that
they believe in Islam especially the brand taught by that madman madoudi).I was told that illiteracy was around 70% looking around at the general noisy mess. I was surprised it was as low as that.
(the north west frontier was inhabited by the most dangerous primitive looking crazies I've ever seen.It even made central Africa look civilised.
Anyway.since you've reached a reasonable standard in english spend some time reading our great literature and relax.
Forget all the fantasies of a world
Islamic souveranity.
It's fanciful fiction like father
christmas,the easter bunny,Harry Potter,allah,and the meanderings of that old fleabag mohammed.
Uh-oh! looks like an islamonazi has seen prophet Pat's latest offering and is seriously pissed off.Truth and logic can be very hurtful to the faithful.
But my poor boy it's you who should get a life by leaving that absurd death cult; you call a religion.

Anonymous said...

Words of wisdom from a true prophet. If only there were more poeple like Prophet Pat. Prophet Pat for Prime Minister!

Anonymous said...

Like many Westerners, I was only nominally aware of Islam before 9/11. That is to say, I was aware that there was a religion called Islam, and its proponents were called Muslims. I may have even been aware that its central figures are called Allah and Muhammed - I can't really remember. Certainly nothing more than that.
It stands to reason that I wouldn't've, since Islam has contributed nothing of any worth to humanity in the 1400-odd years since its invention. That and the heinous things enacted and perpetuated in the name of, and with the firm consent of, Islam were mostly confined to the so-called Islamic World which is pretty much unimportant to the average Westerner.
Recently however, in my encounters with angry online people who like to threaten violence, murder and rape (see: Muslims), I've heard the name 'Dr.' Zakir Naik thrown about a lot.
For those of you who weren't aware (and there's really no reason why you ought to be), this is a man that typifies Islamic academia. Here is a person who's spent his entire life memorising the Qur'an. Yeah...really. Apparently, in the Islamic World, this earns him the title of 'scientist'. Would you expect to be called a scientist for spending all of your time memorising a badly-written, incongruous work of fiction? Am I a scientist if I learn Charlotte's Web word for word? No, of course not, I'd be which ever is the easiest to reconcile out of the following: and obsessive; an idiot savant; an autistic; crazy.
My apologies to E.B. White's ghost for comparing his most renowned work (which I haven't read) to the Qur'an (which I've not read either but've read passages from, which is way too much). Charlotte's Web is well-written, entertaining and contains wisdom apparently. You get the idea though: to call 'Dr.' Zakir Naik a scientist is laughable, but to call him a genius (as some people from a certain group have is downright insulting to real genii.

hellosnackbar said...

Learning the Koran by heart!Can there be a more useless exercise in all the world?
But that characterises muslim scholarship I hear you say.
But I retort; if any of the great scholars of history had practiced such an exercise as the apotheosis of scholarly endeavour then we would still be living in the stone-age.
Not very far removed from life in
Islamic countries;forced , institutionalised ignorance.

Anonymous said...

zakir naik is 0. a big zero. he knows nothing.
even saudi hare him. why is he not invited to saudi arabia? i wonder.!! hmm!

hellosnackbar said...

The last anonymous directs us so I had a look.
What did I find?Anodyne claptrap which in no way refutes Craig Winn's demolition of Islam(If you've got the time read it.
Craig Winn is the most strident critis of Islam I've ever come across,and the potency of his writing lies in the fact that he makes the Koran,the sira and hadiths demolish themselves.
Clearly his knowledge of all things Isalmic is peerless.
If muslims want us to take them seriously(impossible I know);then they should attempt to refute logically(or in orderly debate)that
which Mr Winn has written.
To date I know of no such attempt
his description of Islam is that it is that:Islam is : fraudulent,viscious,intolerant,and deceitful as are(were) Allah, mohammed and his immediate followers.


Anonymous said...

@ hellosnackbar

You fucking idiot it does refute it. Maybe if you removed your balls from your eyes you'd be able to know.. And by the way I have a suprise for you. Visit the link below to see our dominance and power and know that soon we will become the guiding force for the entire world and rule over all. Once that is done we will slay the ignorant Kufr (such as yourself) after dealing with the jews.

Anonymous said...

A suggestion - No Virgins Here?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the delay. Thought you might be the angry chap on here pretending to be sane, and asking for sites to show to his little jihad buddies so that they could perform DoS attacks on them or something; he uses 3 exclamation points too...
This site does a pretty good job of ridiculing Islam (even though it's not updated as fast as other sites might be). Others that do a good job of shining a light on Islam and the nasty stuff it's getting up to are sites like:
and the links contained therein.
I'm not really a forum sort of guy, but those sites get a lot of comments regularly.
I lost my v-card around 12 years ago, though times are tough these days, and I suspect I'll be getting it back in the post one of these days...

Mo said...

@ anonymous

I've had several requests for putting a forum on the site but have so far been too lazy to do anything about it.

Infidelsalwayswin's suggestions are all excellent (although this is the only site that has been personally blessed by Allah).

Dhimwit said...

Awesome stuff! I have made this my personal web page on Orkut! The world needs to know the truth about Islam and your website does it in the best possible way!

Anonymous said...

@ Mo and Infidelsalwayswin

Thanx buddies ... now I'll have a jolly good time ! And yeah Mo, how about Pat Condell as the next PM coz Gordon's an asshole. Pat has my vote and support. Please tell him to put up some more truth- filled, islam-bashing videos coz Iam eagerly awaiting them.

Anonymous said...

Love your site!!! sending it to all my friends and more!

Anonymous said...

A hindu temple priest lashed out at muslim imam. he wants hindu temple to close down and sell land to muslim so they build a mosque.
but hindus united and told muslim to go f o.

hellosnackbar said...

Just read an article on the developement of new weapon technology it's frightening.
You islamonazi turds keep telling us that a big surprise is on its way.
Let me tell you; if you continue with your stupid, barabarous behaviour for much longer, somebody in authority in the US is going to start clinical trials with these gizmos
and Allah won't help you because your condition will be "deceased".
The coming power of"the great satan"is truly awesome.

Anonymous said...

@ above

you son of a bitch, i dont think you got my POINT!! I dont fucking care whether a cow has a DICK or your dad has a pussy .... My point is that we will rule over you one day and we will impose our law over your fucked up, dirty, unIslamic country and make it pure and peaceful according to the guidance of the HOLY QURAN and we will fucking kill and blow all of you british bastards up..Then we will rule america and then the world.....Islam will rule over all....Quran will conquer all and there is nothing you fuckfaces can do about it !!!! hehehehe motherfuckers!!

Mo said...

@ anonymous (the Islamonazi)

As, after 50 years, you haven't even been able to 'sort out' a few hundred thousand Jews in Israel then I'd say your plans for world domination by lunchtime tomorrow may be slightly ambitious.

hellosnackbar said...

Prophets on flying donkeys, angels with 200 wings,cows with dicks.
What next in the wacky old world of islam?
Oh! I forgot the possibility of a public flogging of a 53 year old lady primary school teacher, for naming a child's teddy bear after that old fleabag Mohammed.
Islam at its cultural best!!

Anonymous said...

-Part Two-
Bearing in mind the 1.3-1.5 billion Muslims in the world haven't managed to destroy - much as they might try and threaten and cry about it - a tiny little country of 22,072 km^2 (0.015% of the world's land mass), inhabited by 7.184 million people (0.1% of the world's population), and bearing in mind the human population of the US and Europe alone is arounf 700 million, I don't think we should lose any sleep about it.
Did you say 20 Muslim converts every three months? Jesus, that's only 4,066.45 less than the number of British Muslim deaths every three months...
Keep trying - it's hilarious to watch.

Anonymous said...

Whoops, that was meant to be Balkans, not Baltics, my most sincere apologies...

Dhimwit said...

Infidelsalwayswin...we trust ye..please be accurate! U r the divine messenger!

hellosnackbar said...

I've been musing as to the identity
of "anonymous" the maths professor.
His profile(based entirely on his submissions)goes something like this:
He is about14 to 18.
He wanks a lot; when he thinks about scantilly dressed white girls
parading about his bailiwick.He would love to rape them(as sanctioned by his absurd religion).
But is smart enough to know that should he be caught he'll be banged
up in prison for a few years and get a regular kicking whilst he's in there.
Instead he gets his rocks off by watching ultra violent jihadi videos and dreaming about taking part(for the glory of Allah).
But he's a dreaming wannabe;as he wanks away.
He's untalented,he's an abject failure in school and can only look forward to a future as one of
life's failures.
His dream of life as an Ialmic warrior is just a dream.
He knows at best that his future is
selling marsbars and crisps in his dad's corner shop ;and if ever reaches a state of sanity(in say 30 years)he'll dream again of how it might have been different' if only he'd been able to think straight all those years ago.
Turn again anonymous(like Dick Whittington) and get a life;
and here's a little puzzle:
Why do I call myself hellosnackbar?

hellosnackbar said...

@anonymous(the wannabe bomber)
Still wanking?I thought it was haram!Allah(the tosser)will punish you.

Anonymous said...

carry on like this and your going to hell. p.s shut this website down otherwise i'm telling the police.

Anonymous said...

i know who u r and i have told the poice. so don't be scared whrn the police come knocking on your door. p's BURN IN HELL..

hellosnackbar said...

"I've told the police" I know you haven't; but please do(Oh to be a fly on the wall!).
You sarray up to the desk constable
and whine that infidels on Mo's website are making derogatory comments about your abominable death cult.
If you speak as well as you write,it's predictable(especially if you're in muslim pantomime dress),that he'll look at you and think:Who is this idiot?
If, however, he takes you seriously
he'll look at the comments and call
the local doctor to request an impromtu rectal endoscopy(you'll probably have to use a dictionary to understand),to see if you're hiding something.
Stop wanking,, and give civilisation a try.

Anonymous said...

Koran pe mooto - 1 jannat free

Masjid toro - 2 jannat free

Muhammad ki ammi chodo - Sare jannat FREE

b'coz - muhammad ki ammi = macca ki rundi

hellosnackbar said...

Good heavens:What do your friends call you Mr Islamoturd?
The master of wit and repartit?

Anonymous said...

ever since teddy incident, i am naming my crap mohamad. it is ugly and smells like mohamad.

Anonymous said...

islam is a religion, not a race.
musalman murdabad.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I think 'Islamic scholar' is the ideal word for describing people in Islamic acadæmia since all they do is read, 'study' that rambling mess of a book written by people who scribbled down the words of that incoherent, desert-based, mass-murdering, pædophile shithead. Phrases like 'Islamic empiricism' and 'Islamic science' are real oxymorons, right up there with 'Islamic justice' and so on.

Anonymous said...

If you read the whole quran there is also nice things abaut people that are not muslim is not allways bad as you desribe but its ok with your web site you clearly show who you are to the wholw world,
even you want to spread poison abaut Islam, Islam is the faster religion on Hearththere is no much that you can do, you are a looser.

Mo said...

@ i miss dorset

Above all else, the Devil cannot stand to be mocked


Anonymous said...

She's missed Dorset all right, better luck next time love. When you're reincarnated as a higher form of life (a sparrow) you'll have a much more realistic view of life and the world.
Toddle off now and dream of marriage to your cousin and great big child benefit cheques and disability living allowance for half of the kids.

Anonymous said...

'Your mother's arse smells just like the one of my dog.' So that's how muslims greet each other - the same as dogs, by sniffing each other's bumholes. I always thought they were a bit odd.

Anonymous said...

That's it! I've cracked it! When you see muslims praying, en mass, they're actually just sniffing each other's bumholes. They're not praying at all, they're just saying 'hello', it's just a big get-together.

Anonymous said...

I've - erm - 'heard' muslim blow up dolls blow themselves up.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious site Mo, I've sent your blog all over the world.
Thanks for cheering me up.

Anonymous said...

ooooo! aaaaaah!
i am shing in my boots.
islam will be extint and no one to entairtain me.
musalman mudabad.

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work you are a saint.....I mean prophet!

Anonymous said...

Today the kebab shop, tomorrow THE WORLD...Pass the ketchup ;o)

Felaf al Akbar
Felaf al Akbar
Felaf al Akbar

Anonymous said...

Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!
Allah ho - Fuk bar!

hellosnackbar said...

Hello snackbar!
Hello snackbar!
Hello snackbar!

Anonymous said...

stop talking about killing and fixing your religion. a 16 yr old girl was killed by her father. reason: did not want to wear nijab. stop fighting among your self and become more humble. then you will realize that islam is not what you see it as. it will make you understand others too. try it you will certainly will like it and you will then feel peace.
stop threating and start looking inside your religion.
may god bless you. you will see happiness when you do this.
god will always bless you. you are his child.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what she said (though I respectfully disagree with her assertion that you misunderstand Islam...).
Also, the more you cry about us insulting your 'religion', the more we'll do it. And if you don't like it, you can fuck off back to the desert, to whatever open-sewer (the name isn't important, since they're all the same, but we'll call it Pakistan just for the sake of it) it is that your less stupid ancestors couldn't crawl over themselves fast enough to get away from.
Here's an interesting article that pertains to all you fruits:

Anonymous said...

It's legal to kill me because I insulted your religion is it? I'm not too sure that would stand up in a court of law. Do you never tire of issuing hollow, meaningless threats? You must be incredibly naive to assume you are intimidating anyone.

Anonymous said...

People like you are causing hatred and hindering peace. I am a white American Muslim woman who chose her own husband. My husband converted to Islam months before we married and he follows it purely. I am not beaten, I am not harmed, my husband sees me as his wife as Islam demands. Had you bothered to look into the religion itself and not based this site on biased news reports or hatred, you would know that the majority of us just want to live in peace and raise our families. I don't deny that atrocities happen, but they happen everywhere and in all religions. One is not responsible for all. I am not responsible for slavery, and being a Muslim American should not make me responsible for what those in Iraq or Palestine do. I do not agree with what they do, and if I had the space I could quote scriptures proving their claims wrong. There is one verse in the Quran that trumps all of the killing ones, and that is the one stating "be no aggressors (don't start the problems or trouble)" Women are not property, and FGM is outlawed.

I just got back from Pakistan. Not my first trip, either. And I can tell you from experience that they claim to be Muslim but follow pure culture. This is the case with all of these "islamic" countries. Personally I feel that they should have a mandatory test to make sure they follow only Islam if that is what they want to call themselves, and erase culture.

This is a Proud Muslimah condemning the actions of those who harm all Muslims by committing atrocities. I teach my two children to be tolerant and they love to be around and play with other children as normal children should. They are not taught hatred, they are not taught discrimination. My mother is also a Christian. And they go with her on Sundays to church when they spend the weekend at her house, which is often. They are exposed to everything. I have faith in God, and I know that if it's the will of God that they shoud not be this religion or that, it will be the guidance of God. No matter what one does, if something is meant to happen, it will and it can't be stopped.

I think you should practice more tolerance and stop contributing to the hatred that already exists. Bad things do happen, but that does not mean that you ignore anything good. If you'd like to know more, email me at

I also have a library of links to thousands of scholars and imams condemning and speaking out against terrorists. That is located here :;_ylt=Al2dReMXhLVWK4h4FIpCK6vd7BR.;_ylv=3

I am sorry that you do not see somebody as being not human due to religous belief. I am sure you are aware that DNA does not change due to religious belief or conversion. We all bleed the same red blood, we all feel pain, and we all feel joy. Instead of hating those in the ME for what is happening, I pity them for being raised to behave that way. If they had true Islamic education along with complete education of the world (college as well), it would not be in this state.


Anonymous said...

This is to anonymous who is stating he's going to plan some type of fireworks display, what the heck kind of Muslim are you?????????????? You say Quran is positive, and I as a Muslimah agree. But what you are doing is completely against Islam. This type of speech and threats are NOT islamic! You are munafiq!!! I have been Muslim for 6 years, and even those born into it have stated I know more about their own religion than they do! I've had Imams tell me the same thing, so I know what I"m talking about. If you truly are a Muslim, you are a very poor example indeed.

Owner of the site, I do not like you nor do I find you funny, but I really think you should find some way of tracking anonymous's IP and sending it to the Homeland Security team. Threats like that are not to be taken lightly. He's stated repeatedly that there is going to be an attack on New Year's. Well, what are we sitting around for?? Islam states to save a life is like saving all and killing a life is like killing all, so instead of sitting here doing nothing, we should save people and report those types of threats. I'm filling out a Cyber911 form at the moment and copying anonymous's words over to it. I don't know what good it will do, but inshaAllah (God Willing) he can be stopped.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hellosnackbar said...

Well! christmas is almost upon us and 2007 is almost over.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all contributors to Mo's comments page all my very best in particular infidelsalwayswin,various islamoturds(for the idiotic drivel they write),Pat Condell(for his very funny common sense monologues) and last, but not least old Mo himself, for his hard work in hosting this holy site.
With regard to our contributor(muslimah for peace)I have a question:"What on earth caused you to espouse the silliest,most backward,egregious,malevolent,misthanthropic,death cult on the planet.
Was it to escape the clutches of mind altering substances?
There must be a reason for your act of mind blowing insanity;after all you had freedom of choice,whereas the majority of the islam afflicted didn't

Anonymous said...'re the best! I've been a regular visitor! Please keep up the good work! A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you! I hope Allah wouldn't mind that infidel celebration!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too hellosnackbar, and to you Mo, and jesus (hey, it's your birthday - how about that), and to you Astro Jew, and to the Muslim lady who's desperately trying to hold back the tide. And even to the guy who wants me and the rest of us dead for 'insulting' (see: talking critically about) his 'religion'.
I'm an atheist/agnostic myself, but here's to Judeo-Christian values. And here's to Western culture and values. Truly, it doesn't get any better. Cheers.

AstroJew said...

Happy christmas everyone!

Mo said...

Hey Guys and Gals,

I'm touched at your thoughtfulness. May Allah make all your Christmas wishes come true - unless you're wishing for something silly like Islamic domination of the world.

Bit busy arranging Jesus' birthday bash this week but I promise to get busy updating very soon.

Stay cool,

Anonymous said...

mo your holiness, meery xmas and new year to you.
i know you dont celebrate xmas as ur head of the kill them cult but i still wish you happiness in life.
that muslimah knows so much she should debate ali sina and win 50,000 dollars. and it will come in handy at this time of the year. god bless. oppps allaha bless.

hellosnackbar said...

I noticed our little terrorist chum lives in "southhall"never heard of the place!I do ,however know "southall"middlesex.(how sad is that?He can't even spell the district he lives in correctly.)
I used to visit the best Indian Indian restauraunt in England there(western road).
Mine host(a shrewd charmer called Mr Dass)has a well deserved reputation to protect(I think he's a sikh).I would strongly recommend it.

Anonymous said...

I came across your laughatmuslims website. At first, being an atheist, I found it funny. Then going through it all, it got quite ugly. I mean, based on the actions of some, you have criticized the many. Let me ask you, how many muslims do you personally know? I know a lot of them, from different countries. Some are fundamentalist, many are not. Most dont believe in burkas and other rigid rules. Many of them are open, friendly and as free-minded as people in the UK or the US. The problem with your site is, it hurts someone's faith. It abuses a spiritual leader. At least respect the opinion(not the fundemantalists here, but the normal people) of others. You come off as having serious issues with the entire muslim community without really knowing them and instead, relying on hearsay, you have formed an opinion. Do you believe in God? I assume you are a Christian. Now, you guys persecuted scientists, homosexuals nad a load of other people in the 10th and 11th cnturies. Shall I abuse you for that? Shall I say Jesus is a dickhead? Say you are a Hindu. Your caste system preaches inequality. You treat "lower castes" like filth. Shall I say Ram is a bastard?
Point is, there are good people, there are bad people. No religion teaches violence and fundemantalist policies. No spiritual leader does that. But over time, people take things so out of context, they make their own version of teachings. That is the problem with fundementalists. They may call themselves Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew...whatever, they are not true followers. They have only one religion-fundamentalism. So, I urge you to target, not the prophet, but those who misunderstand and misuse the prophet's teachings. I urge you to target, not the religion, but the misusers of the religion.
I seriously hope you get my message.

Mo said...

I seriously got your message.
I know lots of Muslims.
Feel free to call Jesus a 'dickhead' whenever you like - he's a nightmare after a few beers!
Thank you for the history lesson.

PS Why do you assume I am a Christian?
PPS Maybe you should try reading the Koran.
PPPS An an Atheist, you make a very 'good' Muslim.
PPPPS Happy Christmas.

Anonymous said...

sorry pal good muslim are disguise in a sheep skin. they want total domination of the world.
have read korandee? i have from first filthy page to last and it also in arabic. was a bitch but used dictonary and finished it.
mohmad uttered verses as he pleased. even his daughter ayesha said when ever he wanted something he uttered a verse. so please read korandee and then come and blast his excellency.

hellosnackbar said...

It appears that we now have a contributor nomininally calling himself an atheist; but telling us all to stop bashing "the religion of peace";as there are many decent right thinking muslims.
I suspect that he is a former muslim who can't quite get rid of his birth label.(rather like that irksome smear of dog shit on one's shoe, one can smell it, but not see it).
Islam is not a religion in the conventional sense but rather an ideology that endeavours to supplant our laws, culture,and way of life by any means possible(terrorism is the obvious example).
To most contributors to this page coexistence is impossible.
Fortunately the metaphorical "barbarians at the gate",are a bunch of simple minded ill educated tossers;who believe that within the passage of time they will be triumphant(pigs might fly!).
The main danger, as I see it are the
liberal dhimwits, some of whom occupy positions of real power within our parliamentary democracy.
Multicultrism is demonstrably an abject failure and its continuance represents a clear and present danger.
It's high time that sedition preaching imams be stepped on and deported(where reasonably possible)
and Saudi salafist propaganda be actively suppressed.
In fact Islam should be constantly ridiculed as a cult of the insane ,not only on this holy page,but in the the main stream media(muslims themselves provide all the material).
Other religions are by comparison not a problem(as Dave Allen (r.i.p)
used to say"may your particular god go with you").
But islam is a social pathology and must be confronted,full on.
May our little "band"continue to play.

Anonymous said...

At last a message of peace from the "southall scholar".
You've introduced some new language.
What's all this tra la la stuff and why no dum di dums?
If you send us the music we can all have a singsong:something like:
Islam is for wankers and mohammed was a twat.
He stomped around the desert and on everyone he shat.
He started a religion ;which makes no sense at all.
It's all about threats and murder
He had some fucking gall.
He dreamed up a god called allah to guide him on his way.
And told his dimwit warriors on this they had no say.
The silly cult he founded is still around today.
And anyone can join it provided they're not gay.
Their women get a beating as honour
is a must.
They rant and scream obscenities
for them it is quite just.
The women wear some funny clothes and also do the men.
They bawl allahu akbar again again and again.
Oservers think they're stupid.
They really are quite thick.
But then we get to thinking
They must be fucking sick.
They must be fucking sick!

Same music as my old man's a muslim

Anonymous said...

why you shouting? cannot hear you.
korandee cannot conquer all. it is a toilet paper material. i wipe my self with. much softer then 7 rocks mud hat muham ad used.
i like ones were the verses are close together. feels soft when i wipe with it.

thanks mu ham ad for giving me cheap tiolet paper. one qurandee is 2 dollars a piece while a roll of toilet paper is 3 50
musalman murdabad.

Anonymous said...

You son of a bitch how dare you speak about the glorious Quran with disrespect show me your face motherfucker so i can rip your fucking balls out.I'll fucking kill you bastard.. Your mother is a dirty whore who gets fucked up by horses doggystyle... all of you will die by our hands for insulting our religion i'll make sure of it well that time is not far from now... AllahuAkbar AllahuAkbar .... Mujaheedeen agay baro agay baro... kafiroan ki katal karo Allahuakbar Allahuakbar.... We will rule one day... for the Quran has got ALL the answers. You people are just scared and too fucked up to accept it... ALLAHUAKBAR.. Islam will rule over all, Quran will conquer all

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